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William & Mary Law School
William & Mary Law School, founded in 1779, enjoys the distinction of being the oldest law school in America. On top of that, it is one of the country's most reputable public law schools. It offers students an excellent legal education in Williamsburg, Virginia. Class sizes are small, the College of William & Mary grounds are replete with colonial architecture, and students report a congenial, non-competitive atmosphere.
These factors explain why U.S. News and World Report ranked William & Mary as the second-best law school in Virginia.
William & Mary is a great place to pursue a legal education, particularly for Virginia residents who can take advantage of the school's reduced tuition rates. Applicants looking for a scenic and serene place to study law should seriously consider applying. Its location in historic Williamsburg gives you a chance to learn the law in a relaxing, charming environment.
Some students suggest that Williamsburg, like most small college towns, is not that exciting a place to live. However, one student says, "While I don't think Williamsburg is the best place to live, I think it's an amazing place to go to school." The city offers much "that centers around students and campus [such that] you will never be bored if you don't want to be."
If you want a stellar education in a unique location, William & Mary Law School can offer you this, and it should be on your list.
The William & Mary Law School is one of five graduate and professional programs at the university. It has a rich history dating back to 1779 and is widely recognized for its outstanding academic reputation, beautiful campus, and vibrant community. The school offers a variety of degree programs that prepare students for careers in the legal field. Students can gain practical experience through externships and clinics and participate in research projects with faculty members. The law school also offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including student organizations, intramural sports, and community service opportunities.
The William & Mary Law School offers a range of clinics that provide legal services to the community on issues such as veterans benefits, immigration, domestic violence, and family law. The Virginia Coastal Policy Center practicum allows students to learn about environmental law while gaining skills that will be useful in any area of law they choose to pursue after graduation.
Several institutes and programs at the law school shape law and policy both in the United States and worldwide. And finally, the school has a large and active alumni network of lawyers committed to integrity and serving their communities.
Above all, the William & Mary Law School community values equity, inclusivity, belonging, and the pursuit of justice.
Admissions Stats | ||
Class of: | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 |
25th - 50th - 75th percentile LSAT | 161 - 163 - 164 | 161 - 164 - 165 |
25th - 50th - 75th percentile GPA | 3.39 - 3.6 - 3.79 | 3.64 - 3.78 - 3.89 |
Acceptance rate | 42.1% | 30.1% |
Applications received | 2332 | 2642 |
Acceptances | 981 | 795 |
Matriculants | 522 | 306 |
Cost of Attendance
Cost of Attendance (2022-2023 Academic Year) | ||
Virginia Residents | Non-Residents | |
Tuition | $31,668 | $48,837 |
University Fees | $6,606 | $7,177 |
Living Allowance | $19,800 | $19,800 |
Books | $1,750 | $1,750 |
Total Cost of Attendance | $59,824 | $77,564 |
Admissions Basics
To say that gaining admission into William & Mary is competitive is a bit of an understatement. The applicant pool has exceeded 4,000 in the last decade. Shealy, perhaps with these numbers in mind, encourages students to "take each part of the application process seriously. The competition will be putting their best foot forward each step of the way. So should you."
She says, "Admission officers need to know all the strengths the applicant can bring to the School, and it behooves you to be detailed and proactive. That said, you shouldn’t be modest. List all of your achievements, even if they seem irrelevant to the study of law. Being an Eagle Scout, an accomplished viola player, or even a certified crossword puzzle master might be an endeavor that separates you from the pack.”
As if to underline the competitiveness of the application process, Shealy says that "upward grade trends are the norm and not the exception" at William & Mary. The transcript review process takes everything into account but focuses "more on the course selection and rigorousness of the [applicant's] curriculum."
Shealy informs us, then, that "a semester or year of downward performance is the reason for an addendum." As for graduate work, she had this to say:
We value graduate work. Unless the candidate has performed poorly, a graduate degree is a plus…. It is unusual to see grades other than As and Bs on graduate transcripts. However, most of our students are admitted and enrolled in law school without graduate degrees. Six percent of the 2015 entering class had earned advanced degrees.
Personal Statements
Your personal statement is your opportunity to share with the admissions committee who you are and why earning a J.D. degree is important to your future. You can use the optional addenda to address any character, fitness, or educational issues that may be relevant to your application. Doing so will give the admissions committee a well-rounded picture of who you are and what you would bring to the law school community.
You can consider it your prime chance to set yourself apart from other candidates with your numbers. According to Shealy, many applicants can improve their chances of admission by drafting a personal statement specifically for William & Mary.
Some things to avoid: "This is not the place to try to be funny or a poet unless you are naturally so." This may come across as advice to "be yourself," but it is better interpreted as "do not try to be something or someone you are not." Shealy advises students to think long and hard about why law school is the right decision for them. That way, when the time comes to write a statement about it, the writing will not be trite or insincere but focused and genuine.
Do not take any of the above to mean that if you are naturally inventive, your personal statement should be as inventive as possible. Law school is a serious endeavor. Shealy offers this:
Some candidates [have been] 'creative.' Over the years I have received personal statements in the form of music, poetry, obituaries, collages and puzzles. My advice is not to do anything in the application process for admission to professional schools that should not be done in the application process for professional employment.
Finally, for those who think they can bang out a personal statement in a week or so unless you are an extremely gifted writer, your statement will likely have errors. When a student submits such an essay, says Shealy, "it is difficult [for a reviewer] to get beyond these deficiencies" because, in the end, they are "evaluating an application for admission to a professional school."
For personal statements and application essays, check out the TLS Guide to Personal Statements.
Letters of Recommendation
Two (2) letters of recommendation are required. At least one faculty recommendation is expected unless you have been out of school longer than two years. If you have questions about this expectation, please get in touch with the Admissions Office. All letters of recommendation must be submitted to CAS.
The standard advice for obtaining letters of recommendation has been to ask someone you know rather than someone with a fancy-sounding job title who hardly knows you. Indeed, Shealy says, "Applicants occasionally make the mistake of thinking the title of the person making the recommendation is more important than the content."
Name-dropping won't get you very far in law school. Admission counselors are looking for candid, thoughtful, and independent appraisals of your capacity to be a lawyer. The only way anybody can do that is by getting to know you. And the longer they know you, the better.
Shealy echoes this in her interview. "I encourage young individuals – and law students – to stay in touch with those who’ve provided recommendations for them in the past. Tell them about your accomplishments and path in your studies and career. Such people may be able to provide recommendations for you throughout your life."
For additional advice on obtaining letters of recommendation, click here.
Virginia Residents
Applicants claiming entitlement to in-state educational privileges must complete the Virginia Application for In-State Tuition Privileges and submit it along with their admission application. If the admission application has already been submitted, applicants can complete the form found on the University Registrar's website and return it by email, mail, or fax.
Shealy did not have much to say about the relative competitiveness of gaining admission for Virginia residents. However, she did mention that the "location of the applicant's permanent residence is one of the many factors considered. Given our lower in-state tuition, we tend to have a higher yield among Virginia admittees than out-of-state ones."
Multiple LSAT Scores
Context around an LSAT score, grade point average, or a more detailed explanation of a "yes" answer to the Character & Fitness section is accepted. We ask that you devote an individual page to each within your application necessary.
On their website, William & Mary claims to evaluate "the LSAT portion of the application by using the highest reported score." Shealy, however, says that in the file review process, "we consider everything in the applicant file, and that includes each score." When computing class medians, the Law School uses only "the high LSAT for multiple test-takers…as directed by the ABA."
Shealy slightly nudges students down the addendum route, stating:
Addendums help address deficiencies and aberrations in academic performance and test results. Statements on reasons the candidate chose to retake the LSAT, and their view of the test results can be helpful.
Many students worry about how the state of the economy will affect scholarship aid in the coming years. To allay these concerns, Shealy says, "We have increased financial aid awards and believe that trend will continue."
"Academic achievement," when it comes to doling out scholarship aid, "is a primary consideration along with the many other factors used in our admission selection process." Some aid is so specific that students are automatically considered. For example, Shealy points out that William & Mary has "prior editors-in-chief of the William & Mary Law Review who created a scholarship to be awarded each year to the editor-in-chief of that scholarly publication. We have alumni who created a scholarship for students raising a family while in law school, for a student with military service, and other special criteria."
A full list of scholarships can be found here.
The Waitlist
Dean Shealy had this to say to students who find themselves in admissions limbo:
We conduct additional reviews of waitlist files.
Please advise us of your continued interest and where William & Mary stands on your priority list. Supplement your file to keep it up-to-date and strengthen it with additional letters of recommendation, your updated final transcript, additional awards or new recognitions that you have received. Summer work experience and/or activities may also be helpful. Make sure your file is as strong as possible.
With regards to incoming transfer students, Shealy says, "Over the last three years, William & Mary Law School received approximately 50 applications for transfer admission. We have admitted, on average, 15 percent of these students." The main factor is clearly a student's first-year academic performance at his or her previous law school. However, supplemental information is requested from the Law School (see here) and "is also used in making transfer admission decisions."
Law School Culture
Several words keep coming back when students describe the culture at William & Mary: friendly, noncompetitive, hard-working. When describing the city of Williamsburg, a wider range of words is offered up: quaint, historic, tiny, touristy, lovely, unexciting, gorgeous.
From the admissions office, we have Dean Shealy's point of view: "W&M provides an environment where a law student can both succeed and have fun. The experience is competitive without being cutthroat." Many current students have seconded this. In fact, one 2L offers this assessment:
How competitive are the students? I don't think they're very competitive at all. Sure, there are a few so-called gunners, but none of them walked away with the 4.0. The 4.0s went to surprisingly normal people. But yeah, competition is low. Study groups abound, and it seems like we all really try to help each other out.
I haven't felt any competitiveness at all here. Even the inherently competitive things like moot court tryouts haven't felt competitive.
Several factors contribute to this non-competitive atmosphere.
Clearly, few students perform poorly, and most are in the B range. The unquestioned congeniality of the student body has actually been the reason some students chose William & Mary. Dean Shealy says, "Many…were swayed towards W&M because, unlike the law school stereotype, everyone wants you to succeed and thrive here. It is a highly academic environment, without the intense stress that is often associated with law school."
To further ease the stress, many students take advantage of the school's social events. Students report there are several sports clubs on campus, and while "most seem school-specific, W&M has a number of intramural sports that involve the entire campus."
One perk of living in Williamsburg is, according to another 2L, "reduced admission to the colonial attractions." In fact, many students will take advantage of this, to the point where "when you see students walking/jogging in the colonial area, it isn't because they're seeing the attractions, it's just because it's a nice place to walk. It's a pretty nice way to clear your head, actually."
Political Leanings
Williamsburg is in a state with both conservatives and liberals spattered throughout, which is reflected in the student body. Even though law schools have a reputation for being liberal, one 2L notes, "I think we have a pretty good mix, honestly… I've actually been surprised with the conservative presence on campus…The American Constitution Society and the Federalist Society both get pretty decent turnout to their events."
Grading Policy
In the first year, faculty may grade solely on examinations or may also consider class participation when assigning the final grade. In upper-level elective and seminar courses, your academic work may be graded entirely by an exam or paper; or the professor may factor with the exam or paper grade, any of the following or a combination of the following:
- in-course assignments
- quizzes
- classroom participation
Law grades in courses graded by standard letter grade have quality points from which your grade point average is determined:
"A+" (4.3) "A" (4.0), "A-" (3.7) "B+" (3.3), "B" (3.0), "B-" (2.7) "C+" (2.3), "C" (2.0), "C-" (1.7), "D" (1.0) and "F" (fail -- 0 quality points that will factor into your grade point average, no credit is earned).
The Law School offers a few different grading systems that can be used in courses, depending on what is specified in the course description or what the instructor decides. The standard letter grades (A, B, C, D, and F) are one option, and pass/fail grades are another. There are four pass/fail grades available: "H" (honors), "P" (pass), "LP" (low pass), and "F" (fail). A grade of honors, pass, or low pass does not affect a student's grade point average but does count toward the total number of credits required for graduation. A grade of "fail" will affect a student's grade point average. With the exception of Lawyering Skills courses, the number of honors grades cannot exceed 10.0% of enrolled students under any circumstance. If a course description or instructor indicates that some form of pass/fail grading will be used but does not specify which system to use, Extended Pass-Fail grading will be used by default.
Other grades that have no effect on your grade point average may be on your transcript:
"T" (transfer credit from another institution -- students must request permission to "visit" another institution or an institution's abroad program and must seek approval to register in specific courses. To transfer, grades in approved credits must be a "C" or better and will come to the W&M transcript as a "P") "NG" (no grade or credit earned – when a faculty member has not yet submitted your grade) "I" (incomplete—can only be given with permission of the Associate Dean for Student Services and is never given to a graduating student in the semester they are graduating) "O" (audit—no credit earned)
You may not elect to take a regularly graded course pass/fail. You may only convert a grade earned (subject to the policy) to a "pass."
William & Mary offers a rosy picture of student-faculty interactions, characterizing the situation as such: "They'll be the first people you ask for advice about that summer internship or your first job. And when exams roll around, they'll always make time for one last review session over pizza or via online chat."
While this assessment may make exams seem less like a freight train and more like an excuse to be social, the professor-student relationship is pretty spot-on. Students report that professors will often play the role of a mentor. Faculty members make a concerted effort to interact with students and welcome questions and concerns from everyone on just about anything.
A student adds:
Faculty members are very approachable. Of the six that I've had, three have arranged brown bag lunches with small groups from class to try to get to know the students better. They all stick around after class for questions, and I think they all wish that students would take more advantage of office hours. All of mine so far have been very friendly.
There are 99 full- and part-time faculty members at William & Mary, which makes for an impressive 12.5:1 student to faculty ratio.
Teaching Methods
Even though professors vary in their teaching methods and teaching ability, most have the best interests of students in mind. They will do whatever they can to make the course material clear and accessible to each of their students.
One interesting thing about William & Mary is that the Law School does not divide students into conventional sections. However, students are divided into small classes at the start of the 1L year for the Legal Practice curriculum. Regarding the workload, one second-year says:
"I think it is very manageable. I spend an average of two hours per day studying (ramped up during the couple of weeks before finals, of course). I learned first semester that if you study effectively, you don't need to do a lot of it to succeed."
Each first-year student must take civil procedure, constitutional law, contracts, criminal law, property, torts, and legal practice. In their second year, students must finish legal practice and take ethics. Also, at this point, students can choose from more than 100 course titles.
Impressively, more than two-thirds of these upper-level courses contain less than 25 seats, and just four of them have an enrollment above 100 students. By graduation, all students must meet the writing requirement, which is described as "a paper of significant length and publishable quality." More information about the writing requirement can be found here.
Legal Practice Program
The Legal Practice Program is a required, three-semester set of courses that develop practical lawyering skills and professional responsibility. Students work in small classes with a designated member of the Legal Writing Faculty, a practicing attorney, a teaching assistant, and law librarians. In the first year, they concentrate on objective and persuasive writing, as well as other practical skills necessary for successful law practice. In the spring semester of the second year, students choose a specialized, upper-level course of study, such as pre-trial criminal law, pre-trial civil law or transactional law.
William & Mary, though it is one of the nation's top law schools, does not offer any specialized J.D. programs, while many of its peer schools do. The Law School seems to place a focus on building a reputation in certain areas of the law without any trademark programs to move that agenda forward. It focuses on quality, not quantity, and has a few excellent institutes, conferences, and lecture series that students seem happy with. So far, it is doing a good job of building a strong reputation for itself this way.
One student points out: "About Con Law review. As a 1L, you don't get much chance for that, but the Constitutional Law program here is a big deal." Another says, "We have the Institute of Bill of Rights Law, which does all sorts of events that Con Law nerds love. The big event is every September when they do the Supreme Court Preview."
At this event, continues the student, "Tons of well known judges, academics, and journalists get together and talk about the Court's coming term. It's awesome. And I think our Con Law specific journal is ranked third in the country."
Despite the lack of specialization, students find a way to focus on what they want while they are at William & Mary. One current student says:
"I think we have a wide enough pool of electives that you can pursue whatever path you want, whether that is specialization or just taking a grab bag of classes (my plan).
Now, we do not have enough electives so that you could take, say, all Contracts courses in all four semesters of your upper years, if that is what you mean by specialization. And because of our small size, we naturally won't have as many professors teaching as many classes as some other schools, but I did not feel limited when choosing classes for next semester."
Study Abroad
Applicants interested in taking their legal education to another country may be interested in William & Mary's study abroad program in Madrid, Spain. This summer program lasts five weeks and allows students to earn up to five credits while studying in English-language courses taught by prominent Spanish professors. Students fluent in Spanish can also take advantage of a weeklong externship at a Spanish law firm.
Aside from the Madrid program, William & Mary Law School also offers students the opportunity to partake in semester study abroad programs in Austria, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Luxembourg, New Zealand, and Spain.
Joint Degree Programs
Though it lacks specialized J.D. programs, the Law School has a few joint degree programs that will allow students to earn two degrees in four years. Students can obtain a second degree in Business (M.B.A.), Public Policy (M.P.P.) or American Studies (M.A.). The school also offers an LL.M. for foreign-educated students and attorneys who want a comprehensive overview of the American legal system. More information about these programs can be found here .
Clinics and Externships
Students will have the opportunity to practice lawyering skills in the Legal Practice Program, but beyond that, William & Mary offers nine clinical opportunities. Eight clinics and a clinical center are available to students, focusing on appellate litigation, domestic violence, elder law, family law, federal tax practice, innocence project, special education advocacy, veterans' benefits, and Virginia coastal policy. When students are involved in a clinic, they work under the supervision of clinical faculty and represent real clients, practicing good decision-making and proper lawyering skills. Being in a clinic also allows students to consider issues of social justice and ethical-moral dilemmas that arise in the practice of law.
Externships are also available. Externships are important ways to earn academic credit, gain practical experience, and develop professional contacts by assisting judges, government agencies, law firms, public defenders and practicing attorneys. Students can earn externship credit during any semester after their first year while in residence at the Law School or by externing full time in metropolitan Washington, D.C., during the fall semester of their third year. Externships are available in Federal Government, Judicial, Nonprofit Organization, Private Practice and In-House Counsel, Prosecutor, Public Defender, State and Local Government, US Attorney, and Virginia Attorney General.
During the Law School’s inaugural Washington, D.C., Semester Externship Program in Fall 2014, six third-year students externed with the Administrative Conference of the United States; The Honorable Paul Friedman, United States District Judge for the District of Columbia; the National Center for State Courts, International Division; the National Credit Union Administration; the Prince George’s County (Maryland) State’s Attorney; and the United States Capitol Police, Office of General Counsel. Students have also arranged their own externships in the past. For a more detailed explanation, visit this web page.
Employment Prospects
There are many factors to consider when deciding whether or not to attend law school. These include the economy, the job market, employers' hiring needs, and budgets, your academic record, professional experience, extracurricular accomplishments, community service, geographic and employment interests, interview skills, professional and personal contacts, and individual effort. It is important to keep in mind that with so many variables, we cannot guarantee a specific job, a definite time frame for securing employment, or a particular salary.
JD Class of 2021 Employment Outcomes
- ABA Class of 2021 Employment Summary
JD Class of 2020 Employment Outcomes
- ABA Class of 2020 Employment Summary
- JD Class of 2020 Employment Highlights
- NALP Class of 2020 Summary Report
JD graduates from William & Mary Law School make a median salary of $130,000 upon graduation if they work in the private sector. If they go into the public sector, a grad can expect to make $62,433. Almost half of the law graduates from William & Mary Law School go directly to work for law firms, while 24.4% clerk for a judge. 6.5% of graduates go into public interest. The vast majority of William & Mary Law School graduates, 96.9%, pass the bar on their first try.
Information on employment outcomes for the Class of 2020 may not reflect a particular law school’s typical results in this area. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, bar admission exams were canceled or delayed in many jurisdictions, thus making it more challenging for graduates to secure employment by the annual Graduate Employment Status Date of March 15. Please reference the 3 years of employment outcome data posted on the ABA Required Disclosures webpage of each ABA-Approved Law School or at www.abarequireddisclosures.org.
Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP)
Students who choose to work in public service are eligible for William & Mary's LRAP. Full details are available at http://law.wm.edu/careerservices/currentstudents/lrap/index.php. Here are some excerpts:
Eligible applicants will be working full-time for a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, legal aid office, prosecutor, public defender, government agency, JAG Corps, or legislative office. Organizations outside the U.S. qualify if they would have 501(c)(3) status if they were a U.S. organization. Partisan political organizations, partisan political work, lobbying, and judicial clerkships are not eligible.
Bar Passage
Typically, most students who graduate from William & Mary pass the bar exam in any given year. In 2021, across 27 different jurisdictions, the overall bar passage rate was 93.82%. In many jurisdictions, every student who took the exam from William & Mary passed. For first-time exam takers specifically, in jurisdictions where five or more students from the class of 2021 sat for the exam, the pass rates were as follows: ____%.
VA |
NC |
DC |
NY |
MD |
DE |
MA |
93% | 100% | 100% | 95% | 90% | 100% | 100% |
These impressive numbers suggest that if you graduate from William & Mary, you have a good chance of passing the bar exam.
Quality of Life
William & Mary has a small student body, which means you will get to know most, if not all, of your fellow classmates. Couple this with the tranquility of Williamsburg and you have an intimate and collegial atmosphere in which to study law. Despite the relative lack of bars and clubs in the city, students have reported satisfying social lives, as they frequently host parties, participate in the school's weekly bar reviews, and attend school-sponsored lectures and socials.
To top it off, Law School is relatively inexpensive. In Dean Shealy's words
William & Mary offers an excellent (some say equal or superior) education at a much lower cost…We honestly believe that most law students will have a more productive and enjoyable law school experience in a small town instead of a big city.
Law students regularly praise the beauty of the town and the college right in its center. One student said, “If you've never seen it, the main campus of William & Mary is absolutely gorgeous. When I think of a university, the W&M main campus is what I picture.”
There is plenty of stuff to do for the late-20s crowd. Besides the attractions near the College, New Town, a vibrant 365-acre multi-use center, has more than 170 shops and restaurants to choose from, as well as a 12-screen movie theater, parks and walking trails, concerts and special events, and many apartments and townhouses/condos. Virginia Beach is less than an hour away, and Newport News 30 minutes. Williamsburg itself has just about every type of eatery you can think of, and the bars that are here are populated by law students.
Williamsburg may be too far from the nightlife in D.C. to warrant frequent trips (it is 2.5 hours away), which may add to the general feeling that the city doesn't offer much of an opportunity to let loose. Applicants who prefer a quieter life will feel quite at-home in this environment. Those who’d like to meet people from outside the Law School will have a harder time, as it is difficult to maintain anonymity when you live in a city of ca. 15,000 people.
One plus, however, is a tremendous safety. To top it off, daily life is very affordable when compared to other schools in larger cities. Your debt will be noticeable, but it is very likely not going to be massive.
Students make many positive remarks about the facilities at William & Mary. For instance, a third-year proudly notes, "We have the most technologically advanced courtroom in the world." Indeed, among the many capabilities of the McGlothlin Courtroom, home of the Center for Legal and Court Technology, are multiple evidence presentation technologies, advanced videoconferencing software, real time stenograph and voice writing technology, automatic translation into dozens of languages, and much more. Students use the courtroom for mock trials and oral arguments, trial advocacy, and other specialized classes.
The Wolf Law Library is another draw. One third-year student said, "[Our] law library [is] 3 stories with tons of study rooms, nice areas and great views out of the main windows." The state-of-the-art library provides access to law and law-related resources and a wide range of services that support the Law School curriculum and programs, promote the advancement of legal scholarship, and fulfill the information needs of library users.
All classrooms in the Law School have been updated, the most recent being the John E. Donaldson Classroom. Dedicated in Fall 2014, the fully refurbished, high-tech classroom (Room 127) offers the latest in high definition audio-visual technology and video conferencing equipment.
And the Law School is not done growing. A major new Center for Experiential Learning and Leadership on the school's campus will provide a two-story, 12,000-square-foot home for the clinical programs and legal practice. The Center will also feature offices for managing attorneys to meet individually with students enrolled in the clinics, client interview rooms, a multipurpose conference room/clinical classroom and a new courtroom, which will provide additional space for trial and appellate advocacy training. A glass-paneled common area will connect the Center to the Law School entrance hall and provide casual seating for study and conversation.
Many students choose to live in the Lettie Pate Whitehead Evans Graduate Complex, which students fondly call the Gradplex. The complex is roomy, furnished, and close to the Law School, shopping centers, and Colonial Williamsburg. "Rent," according to a rising first-year student, "comes out to roughly 700 per month and includes utilities." So cable, high-speed Internet, water, electricity, and gas are all included in the flat rate.
Because of the benefits to living on campus, many graduate students choose to do so. One student says, "If you live far away, it can be tough to find a new place without getting to see the apartments in person, so the Gradplex provides an easy alternative. No need to get to town early to shop around for housing." Another benefit comes in the form of frequent social interaction. This student continues, "If you're shy, like me, it's a good way to force you into interacting with new people."
The city, well-known for its colonial flair and association with the amusement park Busch Gardens, is actually quite small. The city's population is just over 15,000, though it draws millions of visitors each year. This influx has led some students to complain about the "annoying tourists" who spend much of their time meandering around the city, but who, for the most part, congregate away from the Law School.
The weather in Williamsburg is standard for the mid-Atlantic region; generally pleasant, sometimes fickle but hardly extreme. One student says, "When it's good, it's great. When it's not good, it feels like the rain will never stop. But, it's beautiful either way, and very warm…From the perspective of a northerner, the weather's a lot better down here than in the tri-state area." A third-year student reports that it is "hot as hell in the summer due to the humidity. Cold in the winter [though, with] little snow."
Transportation can come in a few forms. Many people bike to campus. Some enjoy walking to and from classes. Some ride the city bus from their off-campus apartment to the Law School. One second-year report:
"I see people on road bikes everywhere. There are some specific bike lanes around the undergraduate campus and several other areas, but I see people riding bikes even where there aren't any all the time because the roads are pretty wide and it's a pretty normal occurrence here.
I wouldn't suggest using a bike as your sole mode of transportation as James City County (which surrounds Williamsburg) is fairly large, but depending on where you live in relation to campus and how far you need to travel, it's definitely a viable option some of the time. I'll add that there are some mountain biking trails as well if you're into that, and there are several bike stores here."
The William & Mary campus bus system provides a bus dedicated to daily transportation throughout campus seven days a week. The Green Line also provides a connection with other buses in the greater Williamsburg area through buses on a circuit loop, every 30 minutes.
William & Mary also has an ongoing contract with Williamsburg Area Transit Authority (WATA) to provide free bus services for William & Mary students, faculty, and staff through Williamsburg. The public bus system can bring students to and from locations throughout the city, but for the most part, students who want to leave the city to explore the surrounding area will need a car to do so.
If you can get out of the city, one student says, "We have some pretty decent hiking/biking trails around. We have a number of great golf courses around [as well]. D.C. is about 2.5 hours away, so people don't head up there too often, but day trips to Richmond (45 minutes - 1 hour) are not uncommon."
How does it feel to live in one of the most historic places in the country? Some students love the sleepy nature of the town. Some are unhappy with the heavy focus the city places on tourism. Others, however, find themselves pleasantly surprised with the perks of being a student
Students get a lot of discounts at places in Williamsburg. I think you can get [a discount at] Colonial Williamsburg with your student ID. A lot of people walk around that area because it is so close to campus and it's just such a pretty place.
On a nice day you will see students sitting in Merchant's Square, jogging on Duke of Gloucester Street, etc. The City of Williamsburg makes at least some effort to include the students in events that are going on in the area, too. Most of the local businesses offer some sort of discount or freebie with a student ID.
Despite a great number of tourists in the summer months and during the winter holidays, students learn to live in a popular destination. Located three blocks from the historic area, the Law School rarely sees the tourists that visit William & Mary’s main campus.
Busch Gardens is also in the area, and one first-year offers an opinion on this. "I'm not a huge amusement park enthusiast, but I was pretty impressed by Busch Gardens. There are some pretty solid rides, and they do a great job maintaining the park."
At William & Mary Law School, the average debt among students is $98,473. This figure includes both private and federal loans. The average debt load has risen in recent years, likely due to increases in tuition costs. Many law school graduates enter into public service careers, which often have lower salaries than private sector jobs. As a result, many graduates find themselves struggling to repay their loans. Some have even had to declare bankruptcy. The high level of debt among law school graduates is a cause for concern, and efforts are being made to address the issue. William & Mary Law School is committed to providing financial aid to its students, and it offers a variety of repayment options to help graduates manage their debt. The school also offers a loan forgiveness program for graduates entering public service careers. These efforts are helping to reduce the burden of student debt among law school graduates.
Students can engage in a variety of activities at William & Mary. Some like to hike on the city's surrounding trails. Others will tell you to visit Colonial Williamsburg during the holiday season, when wreaths line the walks and lights give the city a quaint holiday glow. The Law School will point you to its journals and moot court competitions; it will encourage you to perform public service; it will have you taking advantage of the city to the fullest extent possible.
Indeed, students can participate in a bone marrow drive, a legal fraternity or in hurricane relief in the South. These service options exist at many law schools, but some opportunities truly set William & Mary apart.
The Law School's Bill of Rights Journal is touted as one of the country's best with respect to Constitutional Law. More than 80 percent of third-year students participate on one of five student-edited journals, which are Business Law Review, Bill of Rights Journal, Environmental Law and Policy Review, Journal of Women and the Law, and William & Mary Law Review. "Selection," according to the Law School's website, "is made through a joint journal competition held at the conclusion of the students' first full year of law school."
Competitive Organizations
Those who enjoy the rush that comes along with a good argument can join William & Mary's Alternative Dispute Resolution Team, which allows students the opportunity to practice resolution skills other than litigation. As at other schools, a competitive Moot Court Program exists, and students who excel in their oral argumentative skills are sure to earn a spot.
Finally, the Law School has an outstanding National Trial Team. Membership is extremely competitive and limited to those students who are accepted during an annual Fall Selection Tournament. No more than 14 members are admitted to the Team each year. Team members are required to participate in a comprehensive development program, and members have the opportunity to receive academic credit for courses designed specifically for the National Trial Team and taught by the Team's advisor. Members gain extensive training in all levels of trial advocacy, from evidentiary objections and fundamental trial skills to sophisticated trial strategy and persuasion.
William & Mary gives students something that many other law schools cannot, simply by virtue of their location and student body. The Law School is distinctly noncompetitive. Students look to each other for class notes and study groups; they find friendships that end up lasting a lifetime. The cost of attendance is low, especially for Virginia residents, and the city will not dig you into a ditch of exorbitant debt.
While the unpredictable state of the legal economy should make students look closely at the facts and figures surrounding any law school, some things that relate to William & Mary are sure to remain constant. Williamsburg will remain a popular tourist population. The city will be swamped with tourists looking for a bit of history. Surrounding trails and hiking areas will not disappear, and people will bike freely around the city.
Students will still have the opportunity to roam Colonial Williamsburg while thinking of exams, cases, or moot court. Some will walk around just to clear their mind. The town will still be idyllic, peaceful, and tranquil, and its nightlife options will stay lacking for those seeking a metropolitan lifestyle. It takes a certain kind of student to enjoy such a small town, and chances are that students self-select into this environment. As a result, at least some of your peers will be like-minded admirers of small-city life.
That said, finding a job outside of law school is of paramount importance. How much debt you will incur is also important. Students at all schools are worried about finding work. William & Mary has statistics to show that, in the long term, students can expect to earn more per year than the average debt incurred upon graduation. This gives the impression that William & Mary is and will continue to be a sound investment.
Students should remember that some perceive William & Mary as the second most prestigious law school in Virginia, unmatched in some regards. The Law School reports high bar passage rates wherever its students go. There should be little doubt in your mind that Law School will provide you with a quality education. What you will be able to do with that education, as the legal market changes, is yet to be seen.
Overall, students at William & Mary Law School have a positive outlook. The school is gorgeous, and serene, and has a strong regional reputation that stretches into Washington, D.C. Its spot among the best law schools in the nation is well-earned, and William & Mary will certainly hold this post for many years to come.
Contact Information
William & Mary Law School
Regular postal mail to:
Admission Office
William & Mary Law School
P.O. Box 8795
Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8795
FedEx, UPS, etc. deliveries to:
Admission Office
William & Mary Law School
613 South Henry St.
Williamsburg, Virginia 23185
Phone: (757) 221-3785
Fax: (757) 221-3261
Email: lawadm@wm.edu
Established | 1779 |
Location | Williamsburg, Virginia |
Dean | A. Benjamin Spencer |
2022 US News Ranking | 30th |
LSAT Median Score | 164 |
GPA Median Score | 3.78 |
Bar Passage Rate | 97% (2022) |
Employment Rate | 64% (2022) |
Cost | $31,668 (Virginia Residents)$48,837 (Non-Residents) |
Average Debt | $98,473 |
Application Deadline | March 1, 2023 |
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