Copyright Policy ("TLS") respects U.S. intellectual property laws, and prohibits the posting of materials that infringe the intellectual property rights of others. TLS shall terminate the user account(s) of repeat infringers of U.S. copyright law.
TLS has a policy to respond to conforming notices of alleged copyright infringement as provided for by the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Regardless of whether TLS is liable for any alleged copyright infringement under any local, state, or U.S. law, we may remove material that is the subject of such a notice and follow the DMCA's counter-notification procedure. Any notice of alleged copyright infringement must be consistent in form with that suggested by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
DMCA Designated Agent:
Vijay Rathod
20 S Altadena Dr
Pasadena, CA 91107
Phone: 6262431800
Please note that someone materially misrepresenting that copyright infringement is taking place on TLS may be ordered to pay costs and attorneys fees.