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Western Governors University, anyone?

Post by Crimson419 » Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:13 pm

I went to Western Governors University (http://www.wgu.edu), an online, fully-accredited undergraduate institution. No GPA is used at the school, though, all courses must be passed with an 80% average, or above. I do not have a GPA, obviously, and I was told that LSAC will not assign me a GPA. I have my undergrad in Accounting, and I scored a 171 on the LSAT. I am from the SF Bay Area, so, by default, I'm applying to Boalt, Stanford, and Santa Clara. I no longer currently live in CA, so unless I get a full scholarship to either of the schools listed, I'm not going to move back (and I know I'm not getting a full scholarship to the schools listed above). I applied mostly just to see what would happen. My wife is applying to several masters programs in Marriage and Family Therapy, so I am only applying to schools in the same area as the schools she is applying to. Those schools (for me) are:

William Mitchell
UC Irvine
UCSF (Hastings)
Michigan State

I am also applying to UA-Little Rock, but only because I got an email from someone at the school telling me to apply because, based on my LSAT, my shot of getting a full scholarship is quite high. Probably won't go there (unless it is the only school I get into), but, a free ride is a free ride.

I am also a Marine, though, I was discharged honorably in 2005 due to injuries sustained in combat. Technically, I am disabled (I get a nice monthly payment from the VA), but I'm not that bad... I just can't use my left hand very well (I'm now a right-handed guy). Other than that, I'm not sure if I fall into any other "exceptional" category. I'm 26, married with two kids, and devilishly good looking. :-)

My two main questions are this:

1. Has anyone heard of any students from WGU going on to law school and how they are evaluated, seeing as we don't have a GPA use?

2. Any idea on my chances at any of the schools listed? Again, I really don't have anything "exceptional" going for me... I'm a white male, not under-privileged, etc. Any comments would be helpful, though, only time will tell what will actually happen. Thanks!

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Re: Western Governors University, anyone?

Post by the lantern » Thu Oct 08, 2009 2:00 pm

Online universities are generally not looked upon favorably. BUT... you have an outstanding LSAT. You have outstanding "soft" factors (partially disabled vet, combat experience, I'm sure you have other cool things you've done too). If I were you, I'd probably be applying to places a lot higher ranked. If you cut the whole GPA thing out of the entire equation entirely, you are the cream of the crop.

edit: I just reread your post and wanted to clarify that I think you have a great chance at all the schools listed. Probably with money for many of them.

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Re: Western Governors University, anyone?

Post by Dialogue » Thu Oct 08, 2009 2:16 pm

Yep, normally the online thing would be a total downer.

However, I assume that adcoms will cut you slack since an online degree was likely your online option while on active duty. Couple that with your LSAT (which proves your academic competency) and I think you'll be fine.

Unless you are black, I don't anticipate Stanford biting. Boalt is a black box, so who knows? I think you're likely in everywhere else and with money at a lot of them.

But since you are such a unique case, I would be prepared for surprises (both good and bad). Apply to a lot of places.


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Re: Western Governors University, anyone?

Post by Crimson419 » Thu Oct 08, 2009 2:31 pm

I'd love to apply more places, but, it all boils down to where my wife is able to apply. Amazingly enough, there really aren't that many nationally accredited schools for Marriage and Family Therapy... and seeing as I am happily married, I think it might not go over too well with my wife if I told her I was headed to UVA (for example), while she is off to Minnesota. Although, we did agree that if I do get into Stanford or Boalt with a financial help, we will be moving there... she can wait 3 years to go to school.

Does anyone out there know of anyone students with online degrees/degrees without GPAs getting into an accredited law school?

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Re: Western Governors University, anyone?

Post by deadpanic » Thu Oct 08, 2009 5:11 pm

I'm getting the feeling it is, but this is more than Associates degree right; as in a bachelor's degree?

Edit: Looks like it is. I think you have a great shot at a lot of top schools other than the T14. May want to include an addendum about their grading policy.

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Re: Western Governors University, anyone?

Post by jcl2 » Thu Oct 08, 2009 5:36 pm

Crimson419 wrote:I'd love to apply more places, but, it all boils down to where my wife is able to apply. Amazingly enough, there really aren't that many nationally accredited schools for Marriage and Family Therapy... and seeing as I am happily married, I think it might not go over too well with my wife if I told her I was headed to UVA (for example), while she is off to Minnesota. Although, we did agree that if I do get into Stanford or Boalt with a financial help, we will be moving there... she can wait 3 years to go to school.

Does anyone out there know of anyone students with online degrees/degrees without GPAs getting into an accredited law school?
Seattle U has a Marriage and Family Therapy program, don't know if it is any good, or if your wife would consider, but if so, you could consider the University of Washington. If you are considering UC Irvine, you should also apply to UCLA and USC. Yeah it would be a long commute for one of you if your wife was going to UCI, but you could probably figure something out.

If it comes down to it, it would make more sense financially for your wife to sacrifice the quality of the grad program she chooses rather than you sacrifice the quality of the law school you go to. This is true simply because the legal field is ridiculously obsessed with degree prestige, and the marriage and family therapy field likely is not. Basically, if you are both committed to going to school at the same time, you should go to the best law school you can in a place where she gets accepted to a marriage and family therapy program.


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Re: Western Governors University, anyone?

Post by aer » Thu Oct 08, 2009 5:53 pm

A few months ago Dean Pless received a similar question from someone deployed in Iraq.
NExpress wrote:
Dean Pless,

Some other members of the forum directed me to this thread in regards to a question I had concerning online universities. I am an Army Helicopter Pilot deployed to the Iraq Theater of Operations, and I am taking online classes with Embry Riddle's online university. I am pursuing a degree in Professional Aeronautics, a degree that incorporates military flight school and online classes into an accredited program. ERAU Worldwide Online is a SACS accredited school.

I would like to know if I should be pursuing a different path for my degree, or if my current plan will allow me to be competitive. Sir, could you please inform me as to how law school admissions offices would view such a degree?

That is a tough question. I have admitted people with similar backgrounds before but everything else in their file was exceptional and because of their circumstances (like yours) they didn't have the option for a more traditional undergraduate program of study. It makes it tougher though because it is difficult to judge your academic performance.


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Re: Western Governors University, anyone?

Post by Crimson419 » Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:23 pm

aer wrote:A few months ago Dean Pless received a similar question from someone deployed in Iraq.
NExpress wrote:
Dean Pless,

Some other members of the forum directed me to this thread in regards to a question I had concerning online universities. I am an Army Helicopter Pilot deployed to the Iraq Theater of Operations, and I am taking online classes with Embry Riddle's online university. I am pursuing a degree in Professional Aeronautics, a degree that incorporates military flight school and online classes into an accredited program. ERAU Worldwide Online is a SACS accredited school.

I would like to know if I should be pursuing a different path for my degree, or if my current plan will allow me to be competitive. Sir, could you please inform me as to how law school admissions offices would view such a degree?

Well, that does shed some light on my situation, though in the most vague of ways. Though, in my mind, I am much more qualified than that guy... Marine Corps Force Recon Scout Sniper vs Army Pilot... I win, hands down. :-)


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Re: Western Governors University, anyone?

Post by Crimson419 » Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:55 pm

After reading some stuff, I'm considering applying to WUSTL. Is it a stretch to think they might consider a candidate with my stats?

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Re: Western Governors University, anyone?

Post by the lantern » Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:14 pm

Crimson419 wrote:After reading some stuff, I'm considering applying to WUSTL. Is it a stretch to think they might consider a candidate with my stats?
they love them some high LSAT scorers


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Re: Western Governors University, anyone?

Post by FCD » Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:39 pm

Crimson419 wrote:After reading some stuff, I'm considering applying to WUSTL. Is it a stretch to think they might consider a candidate with my stats?
171 normally means a large scholarship at WUSTL. I think you are almost a lock for admission, the only question is whether your undergraduate background will affect the amount of money they give you.


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Re: Western Governors University, anyone?

Post by Crimson419 » Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:33 am

FCD wrote:
Crimson419 wrote:After reading some stuff, I'm considering applying to WUSTL. Is it a stretch to think they might consider a candidate with my stats?
171 normally means a large scholarship at WUSTL. I think you are almost a lock for admission, the only question is whether your undergraduate background will affect the amount of money they give you.
Do you think submitting an addendum that simply says: "Give me money, I'm a sniper. 'Nuff said." will influence them to make sure I get the maximum amount available? :-)

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