Oxford to T14? Forum

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Oxford to T14?

Post by exiledamerican » Wed May 19, 2021 5:22 am

Hi all,

I’m an American in my final year at Oxford, and hoping to attend a top US law school after a few years of work experience.

I’m curious how T5-type schools view the U.K. grading system. Do I absolutely need a First Class BA, or am I still viable with an Upper Second Class?

(I’m aware of the importance of the LSAT; I can expect something in the 173+ zone).



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Re: Oxford to T14?

Post by bob311 » Wed May 19, 2021 8:30 am

Generally, for Yale and Stanford, you absolutely need a first. Same with Harvard, except Harvard usually lets in one or two upper seconds, but it’s rather rare. Can’t speak for Columbia or Chicago, but I assume they are looking for a first.

I would do everything you can to get a first. And don’t count the Lsat eggs before they hatch. I have known people with firsts from Oxbridge who didn’t crack 170. Not saying you won’t, but it’s not automatic.


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Re: Oxford to T14?

Post by crazywafflez » Wed May 19, 2021 9:49 am

exiledamerican wrote:
Wed May 19, 2021 5:22 am
Hi all,

I’m an American in my final year at Oxford, and hoping to attend a top US law school after a few years of work experience.

I’m curious how T5-type schools view the U.K. grading system. Do I absolutely need a First Class BA, or am I still viable with an Upper Second Class?

(I’m aware of the importance of the LSAT; I can expect something in the 173+ zone).

I'll pushback a little on the above. I know people who had Superior ratings and AAs get into T5 programs- and 1 person with an AA from Sci Po got into S, but they were a Unicorn applicant. I think Y will want that first class degree, S I think as well; however, H lets in plenty of AAs (most 2:1s will just be tossed in that camp), as does Columbia- I should clarify by plenty, I mean the dozen or so I know who have done it, not like hundreds are piling in. I assume Chi does as well, but I haven't met anyone that went there from foreign institutions. I think, unless you have something extraordinary, that YS are going to be extremely rough to get into without that S rating, however, I do think HCC- as well as the rest of the T14- would be in play with an AA.

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