University College London,Aisan GPA75(honor) LSAT:176 Forum

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University College London,Aisan GPA75(honor) LSAT:176

Post by momo1023o » Wed Mar 24, 2021 4:10 am

I am a chinese student and earned the bacholer degree in University College London.
GPA is different with the college in U.S. Gpa75 in British is a good one . I am wondering whether the graudate college can distingush ,and my dream school is NYU.UCB.UCLA.STANDFORD.COLUMBIA.CORNELL. :D
Is it harder for me because i am in CHINESE POOL.
I have one intership in a good law firm in china.
Is there any chances that get into NYU.UCB.UCLA.STANDFORD.COLUMBIA.CORNELL? :lol:


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Re: University College London,Aisan GPA75(honor) LSAT:176

Post by crazywafflez » Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:44 pm

Hey, fellow U of L alum - albeit, my alma mater was across the street from the Royal Court of Justice and had a way better spoons nearby (go beavers) :p
Congrats on the First! Getting a distinction in like Geography or something akin at UCL is no small feat, so well done. You won't get a GPA conversion, since you graduated from a British Uni- it'll just be given to you as a superior (there are other ratings, but getting a First from UCL solidly puts you in the superior rating). So that's good news for ya. However, this won't really help a whole lot in your admissions cycle. What will be vastly more important is your LSAT score.
Your score looks great for all the T14. I'd just apply widely to the T14 and see what scholarship packages you get. But with a 175/S, I'd feel safe telling you that you're getting in at Cal (UC Berk), Penn, Gtown, Cornell etc.
I wouldn't apply to UCLA, unless you are dead set on doing biglaw in LA and get a fullride (which you'll most likely have to do for the visa)- and I'd still rather take that bet on Cal. I also think you'll get some packages to the lower T14 schools like Georgetown.
I think the T6 are harder to guess, but I think NYU & CC, and even H, are all on the table. I believe Stanford and Yale take fewer international applicants, but it is worth applying to.
Personally, if I were you, I'd just apply to all the T14 (or at least Harvard on down to Georgetown).

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