2.8/170 w/ military service and decent softs. Forum

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2.8/170 w/ military service and decent softs.

Post by farhadg3128 » Sat Jul 11, 2020 7:27 pm

Hey everyone, I’d like to get feedback on these stats and opinions on whether there is a chance at any T30 schools, especially Fordham or NYU.

2.8 undergrad GPA, 3.9 Graduate GPA (MPA), 170 lsat

- Lance Corporal U.S Marine (2 years)
- Emergency Medical Technician (6 years)
- Volunteer Firefighter (3 years)
- Crew Chief of a volunteer EMS agency (5 years)
- Auxiliary Police Officer (3 years)

28 years old and in Undergrad for about 7 years (starting off in a major I thought I was passionate about, and family pressure.) Realized a little late that It was not my calling, switched to forensic psychology/law and received excellent grades from then on. I grew up in a Public Service minded family, hence my extracurriculars. From a young age, I always believed in serving my community and being a public service advocate which is an area In law I would like to pursue.

Do I have a chance at any T-30 schools? My dream school would be Fordham, and I’m also even eyeing Cardozo in NYC. If it matters at all, I grew up in a family of 7 supported by a a single household income of 40k in NYC, having to work a lot in college to support myself and my family. Thanks for any responses.


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Re: 2.8/170 w/ military service and decent softs.

Post by AdieuCali » Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:01 am


In the T13, you have a good shot at UVA, and a chance at Penn and Michigan. NYU is not in the cards, unfortunately. GULC and UT may also be in play in the T20. And you're basically guaranteed WUSTL with a substantial scholarship. Fordham is a tossup, but I got in a few years ago w/$$$ as a veteran with similar stats to yours.

How are you planning on financing? Do you have any remaining GI Bill or Vocational Rehab benefits?


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Re: 2.8/170 w/ military service and decent softs.

Post by decimalsanddollars » Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:14 pm

While NYU is a distant long shot, I do think you should apply, and blanket the T20 below it. Also apply to Fordham and any T30 schools you'd actually want to attend. Given that you're a splitter, you need to maximize your sample size to make sure you have good options.

I also think your undergrad/GPA situation would be worth an addendum, if you can concisely frame the narrative that you're academically much stronger than your GPA suggests. For most, it won't make a difference, but it could pull you up from the maybe pile at a few schools.

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