Hey guys,
As the title states I got a 171 on my LSAT and a 3.43 GPA at McGill University. I failed and withdrew from a course in my first year because of the death of one of my parents, but since then my grades have trended upwards.
Interned at an investment bank in Hong Kong researching the Volcker Rule and other financial regulations
Editor of undergraduate economics journal
Trial Monitor at Khmer Rouge Tribunal
My dream schools are Columbia and NYU, but I'll be aiming for most of the schools in the T14, otherwise I'll just stay in Canada. Where should I apply? Should I retake my LSAT? Btw I am a US citizen if that makes any difference.
So the million dollar question: What are my chances?
LSAT 171/GPA 3.43 Canadian University Forum
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:19 pm
Re: LSAT 171/GPA 3.43 Canadian University
MRGLRGLRGLRGLRGL. Swagger murloc, friend.
opismo wrote:Hey guys,
As the title states I got a 171 on my LSAT and a 3.43 GPA at McGill University. I failed and withdrew from a course in my first year because of the death of one of my parents, but since then my grades have trended upwards.
Interned at an investment bank in Hong Kong researching the Volcker Rule and other financial regulations
Editor of undergraduate economics journal
Trial Monitor at Khmer Rouge Tribunal
My dream schools are Columbia and NYU, but I'll be aiming for most of the schools in the T14, otherwise I'll just stay in Canada. Where should I apply? Should I retake my LSAT? Btw I am a US citizen if that makes any difference.
So the million dollar question: What are my chances?
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Wed Sep 06, 2017 3:37 pm
Re: LSAT 171/GPA 3.43 Canadian University
Hi,opismo wrote:Hey guys,
As the title states I got a 171 on my LSAT and a 3.43 GPA at McGill University. I failed and withdrew from a course in my first year because of the death of one of my parents, but since then my grades have trended upwards.
Interned at an investment bank in Hong Kong researching the Volcker Rule and other financial regulations
Editor of undergraduate economics journal
Trial Monitor at Khmer Rouge Tribunal
My dream schools are Columbia and NYU, but I'll be aiming for most of the schools in the T14, otherwise I'll just stay in Canada. Where should I apply? Should I retake my LSAT? Btw I am a US citizen if that makes any difference.
So the million dollar question: What are my chances?
I don't know much about law school admission, but your stats are very impressive! I am pretty sure, with your stats and softs, that you will have no problem getting into a T14 school.
P.S. McGill is a great campus! Montreal is lovely. If I had the grades, I would love to study in McGill.
Best of luck!
- Posts: 382
- Joined: Mon Jul 18, 2016 5:37 am
Re: LSAT 171/GPA 3.43 Canadian University
http://mylsn.info/shukb4/opismo wrote:Hey guys,
As the title states I got a 171 on my LSAT and a 3.43 GPA at McGill University. I failed and withdrew from a course in my first year because of the death of one of my parents, but since then my grades have trended upwards.
Interned at an investment bank in Hong Kong researching the Volcker Rule and other financial regulations
Editor of undergraduate economics journal
Trial Monitor at Khmer Rouge Tribunal
My dream schools are Columbia and NYU, but I'll be aiming for most of the schools in the T14, otherwise I'll just stay in Canada. Where should I apply? Should I retake my LSAT? Btw I am a US citizen if that makes any difference.
So the million dollar question: What are my chances?
Fellow McGill grad who just started at C this year. PM if you have any questions, but regarding admissions, you're not going to find anyone giving any substantively more useful information than that link. If you really wanna go for NYU/Columbia, you'll probably need a retake.
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