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173, foreign degree so no GPA but have a Masters

Post by stepney » Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:14 pm

I'm not really sure how to convert my UK degrees into the Grade Point System, but I did alright, not outstanding but alright on my BA and my MA in the UK (got a 2.1 and a merit respectively). Went to a russel group-but-not-oxbridge uni.

I've been out of Uni for a few years (I'm 27 [and a half!]) and have done some pretty impressive work in human rights focused NGOs around the world (the Middle East, Latin America, worked for the UN for a little bit, and then did a spell as a risk analyst in the City in London). I've had stuff published in books and online, I'm a pretty decent writer and am pretty satisfied with my PS (I've had weird jobs and a weird international upbringing so I had plenty to write about). Got a couple of languages.

My LSAT is good without being jawdropping (173).

I'm not sure whether my foreignness is a boon or a hindrance, particularly with regard to my lack of clear GPA, particularly in regard to HYS. Anyone with any insight to the matter would be much appreciated. Cheers.


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Re: 173, foreign degree so no GPA but have a Masters

Post by grades?? » Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:18 pm

So a 2.1 will not get you a superior grading score by the LSAC. Congrats on the strong LSAT, but unfortunately you will not get into HYS. You may have a shot at Chicago/Columbia, but that is also unlikely. The schools I imagine that will take a shot at you will be Penn, UVA, Duke, Michigan. I don't think you will get into all of those, but you will probably get a couple. Sorry to break the bad news. If you had a first, then H is in play, but unfortunately thats not the case.


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Re: 173, foreign degree so no GPA but have a Masters

Post by stepney » Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:28 pm

Yeah, thats what I figured. Booo. Cheers mate.


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Re: 173, foreign degree so no GPA but have a Masters

Post by grades?? » Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:31 pm

Sorry for that. But I like a place like UVA or Duke will accept you and these are still world renowned law schools. But also consider what you would get a US law degree for? Unless you have dual citizenship it isn't very easy to find a job here that will help with sponsorship and if you wanna practice in the uk a JD doesn't help you much either.

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Re: 173, foreign degree so no GPA but have a Masters

Post by galeatus » Fri Oct 21, 2016 10:23 am

grades?? wrote:So a 2.1 will not get you a superior grading score by the LSAC. Congrats on the strong LSAT, but unfortunately you will not get into HYS. You may have a shot at Chicago/Columbia, but that is also unlikely. The schools I imagine that will take a shot at you will be Penn, UVA, Duke, Michigan. I don't think you will get into all of those, but you will probably get a couple. Sorry to break the bad news. If you had a first, then H is in play, but unfortunately thats not the case.
Someone on TLS got into HLS with a 2:1 and a 172 with similar softs to OP, so I wouldn't say H is a complete no, might as well apply and see how it goes. Y/S is likely out of the question tho.

Chances for CCN don't look bad, OP should have a decent shot at getting in to 1 or 2 of them.

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Re: 173, foreign degree so no GPA but have a Masters

Post by grades?? » Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:11 am

galeatus wrote:
grades?? wrote:So a 2.1 will not get you a superior grading score by the LSAC. Congrats on the strong LSAT, but unfortunately you will not get into HYS. You may have a shot at Chicago/Columbia, but that is also unlikely. The schools I imagine that will take a shot at you will be Penn, UVA, Duke, Michigan. I don't think you will get into all of those, but you will probably get a couple. Sorry to break the bad news. If you had a first, then H is in play, but unfortunately thats not the case.
Someone on TLS got into HLS with a 2:1 and a 172 with similar softs to OP, so I wouldn't say H is a complete no, might as well apply and see how it goes. Y/S is likely out of the question tho.

Chances for CCN don't look bad, OP should have a decent shot at getting in to 1 or 2 of them.
Yeah but if I remember that person they were oxbridge. I think that makes a real difference here unfortunately.

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Re: 173, foreign degree so no GPA but have a Masters

Post by galeatus » Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:35 am

grades?? wrote:
galeatus wrote:
grades?? wrote:So a 2.1 will not get you a superior grading score by the LSAC. Congrats on the strong LSAT, but unfortunately you will not get into HYS. You may have a shot at Chicago/Columbia, but that is also unlikely. The schools I imagine that will take a shot at you will be Penn, UVA, Duke, Michigan. I don't think you will get into all of those, but you will probably get a couple. Sorry to break the bad news. If you had a first, then H is in play, but unfortunately thats not the case.
Someone on TLS got into HLS with a 2:1 and a 172 with similar softs to OP, so I wouldn't say H is a complete no, might as well apply and see how it goes. Y/S is likely out of the question tho.

Chances for CCN don't look bad, OP should have a decent shot at getting in to 1 or 2 of them.
Yeah but if I remember that person they were oxbridge. I think that makes a real difference here unfortunately.
Yeah it might do, but 173 seems to be on the WL line for H for Internationals in general (source: 14-15 International Spreadsheet) and it could go both ways, so I do think OP shouldn't completely write-off H as of yet.


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Re: 173, foreign degree so no GPA but have a Masters

Post by grades?? » Fri Oct 21, 2016 12:31 pm

galeatus wrote:
grades?? wrote:
galeatus wrote:
grades?? wrote:So a 2.1 will not get you a superior grading score by the LSAC. Congrats on the strong LSAT, but unfortunately you will not get into HYS. You may have a shot at Chicago/Columbia, but that is also unlikely. The schools I imagine that will take a shot at you will be Penn, UVA, Duke, Michigan. I don't think you will get into all of those, but you will probably get a couple. Sorry to break the bad news. If you had a first, then H is in play, but unfortunately thats not the case.
Someone on TLS got into HLS with a 2:1 and a 172 with similar softs to OP, so I wouldn't say H is a complete no, might as well apply and see how it goes. Y/S is likely out of the question tho.

Chances for CCN don't look bad, OP should have a decent shot at getting in to 1 or 2 of them.
Yeah but if I remember that person they were oxbridge. I think that makes a real difference here unfortunately.
Yeah it might do, but 173 seems to be on the WL line for H for Internationals in general (source: 14-15 International Spreadsheet) and it could go both ways, so I do think OP shouldn't completely write-off H as of yet.
Yeah but I wouldn't consider it even 25% I think. The difference between a 2.1 at oxbridge and say Bristol or Glasgow will be huge.

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