Value of different URMs confuse me, can someone chance me? Forum

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Value of different URMs confuse me, can someone chance me?

Post by ChicofromNYC12 » Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:11 pm

The graph search isn't a great answer for me because from what I hear different URMs carry more or less advantage. I know you can take our AA but that still leaves me wondering who else considered themselves a URM and what kind.

I am a PR URM with a 3.4-3.5 GPA I received a 162 on the October LSAT on little prep. Since I have been prepping for December with multiple tutors and plan on scoring at least a 165. If surpass the 25% percentile of a schools LSAT score are they likely to forgive my below 25% GPA? ...with the exception of YLS although that would be nice :D

Any input appreciated thanks. I also think my application is well put together, and my GPA was affected by a poor freshman year so it's been higher than that since.

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