NYU/Georgetown Tax LLM chances Forum

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NYU/Georgetown Tax LLM chances

Post by throwabaeaway » Fri Nov 13, 2015 12:54 pm

I'm a longtime lurker who can't find any information on admissions stats here anywhere else and is looking for some guidance/pointers.

I recently graduated at median from a T2. My school has a dismal career services office and the public interest firm I worked for my 2L summer lost their state funding about a month before I graduated. I graduated without a job, and then didn't pass the bar my first time around. I don't have a metric ton of student debt due to a good scholarship, but I had to take on more than I wanted due to some family financial issues. I was K-JD, got my BA in history before law school, graduated in 2 years (yes, I'm pretty young).

Here's why I'm thinking about pursuing this route:
- I really liked my tax classes during law school and I interned for a bankruptcy judge during my 1L summer, and I just didn't have any chances to further explore that interest.
- I went to a law school where I had no geographic ties because I was trying to get the fuck away from where I had "ties;" while it did get me out of a terrible living situation, I was in a much worse position to network for work opportunities than my classmates.
- I'd prefer to work in government over a firm. I had, and still have, zero interest in Biglaw.
- I had to move back home to a new situation where I still don't have geographic ties because my family relocated while I was in law school. Now I'm in an area with just as many unemployed lawyers looking for work as I was during law school, but I don't have even school-related ties.

Do I have a shot? How could I maximize my chances?


Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:27 pm

Re: NYU/Georgetown Tax LLM chances

Post by lawschoolstud23 » Fri Nov 13, 2015 12:59 pm

Interested as well

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