This cycle or next? Forum

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This cycle or next?

Post by G.Smythe » Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:38 pm

First, thanks to all of you involved with this site – it has been a tremendous resource in researching law schools thus far. I know the general consensus seems to be that this cycle will be the most friendly in quite a long time, which is why I have been preparing to do so. However, my question is whether or not it would be advisable to apply during this cycle or wait till next year, given the info/stats below?

Ugpa: 2.7
-I know this is horrid but it is mostly due to my first college foray, which was filled with immaturity and severe economic hardship (homeless for 6mo.). Since then, I completed a BA through Penn’s LPS with a 3.4, which exhibits an upward trend and growth.

LSAT: 171 (June)

WE: 7 yrs. experience in three different sales/bus. development positions.

Softs: Strong LOR’s (1 from Law faculty) and will be completing a MA in politics/international relations at a different ivy this May. Also some minor volunteer work, published several articles on political website/journal and have ran four marathons/triathlons involving various charities.

Obviously, I am realistic and know most top schools are out of reach but have been considering NU, GULC, WUSTL and GW as reaches (possibly ED UVA). In essence, do you think these stats have a chance for this cycle or would it be better to re-take for a few more Lsat points, finish the MA and hope for the best next year? Thanks for your advice.

(oh, and re-taking in oct. is out of the question, as I haven’t looked at an Lsat book since June – needed a break!)

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Re: This cycle or next?

Post by twenty » Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:48 pm

Someone else ED UVA'd this cycle with your identical stats and got waitlisted. Two people with close to your status with slightly higher LSATs got WL->accept off ED last year. One or two got money at WUSTL.

I'd ED, hope for the best, and retake in December.

Also, seriously, seriously consider petitioning your first school for retroactive withdrawal. Homelessness for six months seems pretty legit, and it might get your GPA up.

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