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Unique question/help

Post by ams212 » Thu May 10, 2012 8:01 pm

Ok, I have a very unique situation. So, in high school through PSEOP I got 65 credit hours on an actual college campus, but I totally underachieved (skipping lots of classes, not doing homework, writing papers last night w/o proof reading, etc.) and got a 3.46. I am now as a freshman taking 300 and 400s and getting all As like a boss (surprisingly showing up for class and doing the readings helps). After one year after being graduated I have raised it to like a 3.67 and have done the math the best I can do by the end of my junior year(which due to a program I'm in be MA classes, but will also count on undergrad GPA) is a low 3.8. Right now I have 4.0 since graduating from high school. I have taken two practice LSATs and after my scores I have reason to believe I have a great chance at a T6. I plan on writing an addendum saying that I was immature as a 16 and 17 year-old and did all of the things I described above, but that it doesn't indicate my current maturity, academic capabilities, intellect, or the ability to contribute to positively to their incoming class. That my GPA since high school is a 3.9-4.0 overall rising it to blank. Basically explaining my situation. I should have decent softs, plus I'll graduate with a masters. I guess what I want to know is how I should expect to preform compared to my GPA. Will that strong of an improvement (along with an advanced degree + great lors ) coupled with good extracurriculars help me to perform more at a 3.9-4.0 instead of a 3.8. I know it's not a huge difference, but it can make a big difference on scholarships at CCN and admissions at the big three. I know I am really fortunate to have this kind of problem, but as someone who won't have WE entering and a family who definitely won't be able to help financially scholarships are a huge concern.

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Re: Unique question/help

Post by Nova » Thu May 10, 2012 10:20 pm

ams212 wrote: I know it's not a huge difference, but it can make a big difference on scholarships at CCN and admissions at the big three.
It is a huge difference. 3.8, 3.9 and 4.0 are worlds apart. They will consider your addendum, and it could easily be a tie breaker between other 3.8ish candidates, but it is not the same as having 3.9+. Numbers are what matter.

Im like you in some respects. I got my GED at 16 and went straight to CC. My grades suffered because of my immaturity. When my friends all started college, I was taking all upper level clases and beasting them too. I wrote an addendum but I dont think it affected my cycle.

Obviously you are a very bright young adult. You will be fine. Dont worry! Just do everything you can to keep your grades perfect from here on out and give yourself enough time to max your potential on the LSAT.

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Re: Unique question/help

Post by 2014 » Fri May 11, 2012 12:28 am

Not such a unique situation btw, you'd be surprised how many people here have high school college classes tainting their transcript.

Your GPA is going to be what it is though, like the above post said you might get the benefit of the doubt over other 3.8s, but there is no reason for them to take you over someone who they can report as a 3.9. It's still early so just do your best to get all A's and have fun and when you officially start to prepare for the LSAT push as hard as you can for 174+, you should be in line for some good money from the T6 with a 3.8/175 or w/e.


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Re: Unique question/help

Post by ams212 » Fri May 11, 2012 5:25 am

Thanks both of you :) I appreciate it, it just blows that mistakes and idiocy as a 16 year self could possibly screw me out of something as important as law school admittance at certain schools.

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