Ohio State Moritz Scholarship Forum

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Ohio State Moritz Scholarship

Post by punkyg0608 » Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:28 pm

I've applied to a bunch of schools, written a boatload of essays, and now I have to decide if I want to write one more. I'm trying to decide whether to apply for the Ohio State Moritz Scholarship, which would give full tuition (and a small stipend, I believe). The extra essay is not my real concern, it's asking another person to write me a letter of recommendation. I really don't want to waste my time and theirs if I'm not even going to be competitive for the scholarship. My numbers are around 170 and 3.7. Do you think I have a shot?

Also, I've been accepted to some higher-ranked schools but they haven't offered me too much money. If I could get the Moritz scholarship I don't think I could pass it up. Any thoughts? I appreciate it!

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Re: Ohio State Moritz Scholarship

Post by Doorkeeper » Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:34 pm

You might also want to consider using the Moritz Scholarship to leverage the higher ranked schools to give you more money.

"I'd really like to attend your school, but I've been offered full tuition at X school. Is there anything you could do to bridge the gap between your school's offer and this package?"

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