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Not sure what to think. Advice appreciated.

Post by GMX2000 » Wed May 18, 2011 6:17 pm

I've worked pretty hard to maintain a 4.0 gpa so far as an undergrad. But now I'm hearing that having a 4.0 is a BAD thing when it comes to grad/law school admissions. Apparently, instead of studying, I should have been out doing things to make me a more interesting person...or something. I'm involved in a number of extracurriculars including being the president of a student org and student vp of another, as well as lab work as a research assistant (I'm a psych major), so I don't really think I have any deficits there...but am I supposed to think I should eg intentionally miss a couple extra questions on each test so I get a B that brings down my gpa from 4.0 so I dont look perfect or fake? And then what happens if I study hard for the LSAT and happen to do well on that too?

Im not trying to rant here, I'd really like some advice...obviously the thing about intentionally missing test questions was an exaggeration, but I'd really like to know what I should think about this. Anyone with insights or experience with this issue?

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Re: Not sure what to think. Advice appreciated.

Post by FlanAl » Wed May 18, 2011 6:28 pm

you want a 4.0. law schools could care less how many whales you saved etc. as long as you have that gpa


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Re: Not sure what to think. Advice appreciated.

Post by tittsburghfeelers » Wed May 18, 2011 6:33 pm

FlanAl wrote:you want a 4.0. law schools could care less how many whales you saved etc. as long as you have that gpa
Agreed. If there was a "like" button on this forum, I would definitely "like" your avatar.

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Re: Not sure what to think. Advice appreciated.

Post by denardisgod » Wed May 18, 2011 6:38 pm

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Re: Not sure what to think. Advice appreciated.

Post by fatduck » Wed May 18, 2011 6:41 pm

denardisgod wrote:
FlanAl wrote:you want a 4.0. law schools could care less how many whales you saved etc. as long as you have that gpa
I don't know. I think OP might be on to something here. I mean, a lot of people who go to law school have 4.0's. Why shouldn't he try to mix it up a bit and not have a 4.0? They'll never see that coming.
you're right, actually. it's better to mix it up and throw a 4.33 at them.

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Re: Not sure what to think. Advice appreciated.

Post by jdhonest » Wed May 18, 2011 6:42 pm

The person giving you advice on the 4.0 must have a 3.9 and is applying HYS.

If you want to be more "interesting", take your 4.0, get a fellowship that involves you going to another country, learn a language, help some children, and come back and go law school for free somewhere (this assumes you can pull a good LSAT).


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Re: Not sure what to think. Advice appreciated.

Post by Fark-o-vision » Wed May 18, 2011 6:44 pm

May matter for post law school employment. A few people have reported things like that.

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Re: Not sure what to think. Advice appreciated.

Post by johnnyutah » Wed May 18, 2011 6:46 pm

GMX2000 wrote:am I supposed to think I should eg intentionally miss a couple extra questions on each test so I get a B that brings down my gpa from 4.0 so I dont look perfect or fake?
No. Whoever told you that is a retard. It is good to have a 4.0.

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Re: Not sure what to think. Advice appreciated.

Post by coldshoulder » Wed May 18, 2011 6:47 pm

GMX2000 wrote:I've worked pretty hard to maintain a 4.0 gpa so far as an undergrad. But now I'm hearing that having a 4.0 is a BAD thing when it comes to grad/law school admissions. Apparently, instead of studying, I should have been out doing things to make me a more interesting person...or something. I'm involved in a number of extracurriculars including being the president of a student org and student vp of another, as well as lab work as a research assistant (I'm a psych major), so I don't really think I have any deficits there...but am I supposed to think I should eg intentionally miss a couple extra questions on each test so I get a B that brings down my gpa from 4.0 so I dont look perfect or fake? And then what happens if I study hard for the LSAT and happen to do well on that too?

Im not trying to rant here, I'd really like some advice...obviously the thing about intentionally missing test questions was an exaggeration, but I'd really like to know what I should think about this. Anyone with insights or experience with this issue?

I have a 4.0 and good softs but because I haven't cured cancer I should probably get a few B's just to look more interesting.
I say this because I'm retarded.

Thanks for reading!

Also, Flame?

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Re: Not sure what to think. Advice appreciated.

Post by aaaaaah » Wed May 18, 2011 7:41 pm

Jesus. PLEASE be a flame.


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Re: Not sure what to think. Advice appreciated.

Post by GMX2000 » Wed May 18, 2011 8:19 pm

First, good to know there's interesting people here, I think I'll stick around.

And, as I mentioned, the thing about intentionally getting Bs was an exaggeration. My point in posting this was, if it were true that 4.0 is worse than 3.9 (and I didn't understand why this would be the case), what should I try to do to be more competitive. It sounds completely backwards when you say it but after reading the anti-4.0 sentiment it in quite a number of places online, I started wondering if I should give any credence to it, specifically the allegations of things like making you seem too perfect/anal, like you took easy courses, like you just follow expectations, etc. Of course, reading these things online is not exactly the same as hearing it from a school advisor, but the semester just ended so the advisors are off work for a while and I happened to stumble upon a link which led me to google to see if anyone else shared the view, which some seem to.

(And no, this was not a flame, perhaps a slightly frustrated request for advice. As I was reading, the idea that the work I've done to maintain 4.0 may have been unnecessary didn't really sit well with me, for obvious reasons.)

But anyway, it seems the overwhelming opinion here is the exact opposite. Got it, thanks.
fatduck wrote:
denardisgod wrote:
FlanAl wrote:you want a 4.0. law schools could care less how many whales you saved etc. as long as you have that gpa
I don't know. I think OP might be on to something here. I mean, a lot of people who go to law school have 4.0's. Why shouldn't he try to mix it up a bit and not have a 4.0? They'll never see that coming.
you're right, actually. it's better to mix it up and throw a 4.33 at them.
lol, I think I'll try that, though the extra .33 might end up written on my transcript in sharpie marker...hopefully they won't ask too many questions. :mrgreen:

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