transferring law schools Forum

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transferring law schools

Post by AASS » Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:27 pm

Hello everyone,

I read the article on transferring law schools on TLS, however I was wondering if someone can give me an advice. I graduated from UCLA in 2007. I had no intention of going to law school. My friend was interested, so I took the LSAT prep course with her in fall of 2007 and didn’t take the LAST till September 2009. My score was very law since I didn’t study properly. i didn't apply to any schools. I work at a law office, and my boss constantly told me to apply so eventually he found a school for me. The school is not ABA approved and didn’t require LSAT. I started school in May, 2010. I have to take the Baby Bar in June 2011. I was wondering if I can transfer to any ABA approved Law School after i take the Baby Bar. However, most of Law Schools’ requirements are that the school you are transferring from is ABA approved. Is there something that you can advice me to do? Isn’t passing FYLSX already a prove that you have sufficient knowledge to continue your education in an ABA approved school? Is there a way to transfer to any other school? What would be the right solution, in your opinion, for me?


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