pdennis1000 wrote:chris0406 wrote:Sorry to hear that Dennis!
i wonder how the admission board decides on who to accept! because looking at numbers on LSN some people with lower scores got accepted....I guess they do consider GPAs more than the test scores?
Yeah, I knew I was fighting an uphill battle with my crappy GPA. It's cool. I'll just keep my rejection letter in case I become a senator.
Dennis, if you don't mind, what was your GPA? I ask because I also got a 158 on the LSAT. My GPA's a 3.40, so it's by no means stellar. If you don't want to disclose it, that's cool. L&C is also my top choice, by far, so I'm sorry it didn't work out. On the bright side though - you're still in Oregon! I can't wait to get out of the shitty state I'm in now.
Also, did you apply to Vermont? I got a call from a really nice 2L Vermont Law student last night which alleviated some of my concerns about the school being in the middle of nowhere.