Call admissions and ask for help planning a visit to arrange visiting classes and such.abc__ wrote:I was waitlisted in january and am going to have to send in a second letter of continued interest. I'm close enough to Penn that I'm considering visiting the school and mentioning the visit in my second letter. But, there are no more tours/info sessions being offered this semester. They have a self-guided tour option, but what exactly could I do on a self visit to campus that I could mention in the letter? Things that come to mind are sitting in on a class, talking to students, visiting admissions. But, 1) How do I go about arranging those things? 2) What do students actually do/ask when they visit admissions in an attempt to get off a waitlist?
Thanks for any responses in advance!And I'd appreciate any and all recommendations of things I could mention in a second LOCI
With all due respect, I think you need to figure out what to mention for yourself. It needs to be things that actually matter to you and reasons why YOU want to attend Penn (not why others do). Are there certain clinics you'd want to participate in, specific classes you want to take, professors you'd want to research with? Why Philadelphia? What extracurriculars would you do and how would you make a positive contribution to the community? Etc.
TBH, the second LOCI might be overkill, though. Being wait-listed is really (no pun intended) a waiting game.