HawkeyeGirl wrote:Indoor heating policy?
I'm terrified of driving, so I lovveee not having a car. (The most ironic part of this is I focus primarily on automotive companies at work). I didn't think August was that bad, but I had a super busy August work wise, and spent most of the summer in the office...So it may have been bad... :/ Agree with the amazing architecture! Haven't seen the Prentice Women's Hospital, but the General Growth building is across from my work and is quite possibly the ugliest building in the world... takes up an entire city block and is literally only 4 stories tall on Wacker. Almost looks like the Men in Black building haha
I took the LSAT last Saturday in LM Hall and had a view of the lake from the classroom. Definitely put me in a more serene mood before the test!!
Prentice looks like a Soviet Space Prison. It's cracked and yellowed concrete and could not look any more unattractively dated if they had tried. Why Goldberg is revered as an architect is beyond my comprehension. His buildings are god-awful eyesores bridging the gap between the fantastic old stuff and the cool post-modern. (Yes, River City is ugly too.)
Even natives said August was bad.
My complaint is that as soon as the temperature dropped below 75 outside, buildings (particularly my apartment building, which is my specific beef) immediately cranked the indoor heat up to 75. I'm used to using indoor heat VERY sparingly, and this is fucking up my fall. The weather outside is fabulous and I want to curl up with a blanket and some soup. Instead, I'm flopping on my couch in a tank top eating cottage cheese. I'm barely able to keep a sweatshirt on at school without sweating to death. They even heat the GYM.