Regular Applicant Checklist
Early Decision PlanColumbia Law School will accept applications for those applying for admission to the Class of 2016 starting September 1, 2012.
Application Form
Two Letters of Recommendation
Dean’s Letter, if applicable
Application Fee ($80)
c/o 2015 Reference threads:The Early Decision Plan is designed for prospective law students who have thoughtfully considered what would represent, for them, the most effective legal education; have investigated carefully a range of law schools; and have concluded that Columbia is clearly their first choice.
For early decision candidates, the application process is simplified and expedited considerably; it is less expensive in terms of time, effort, and money. Early decision candidates must complete their applications by November 15 and are generally notified of the Admissions Committee’s decision in December. This early notification assures applicants of having successfully completed the law school application process, allowing them to resume professional, family, and educational responsibilities without any uncertainty. These benefits, however, are accompanied by the cost of self-restricting law school choice. Candidates applying on an Early Decision basis commit themselves to matriculate at Columbia if admitted.
Successful early decision candidates may not initiate any new law school applications, must decline any acceptances they may have received prior to admission to Columbia and the Early Decision Plan, and must immediately withdraw other applications once notified of their Columbia acceptance in December. Failure to honor these commitments will result in Columbia revoking its offer of admission.
Some early decision applicants not offered admission will be reviewed again in April as part of the regular applicant pool; others will be informed that their application for admission has been denied and will not be evaluated again that year.
Applicants: http://www.top-law-schools.com/forums/v ... 7&t=162866
Attending: http://www.top-law-schools.com/forums/v ... 2&t=173233
Decision Date Graph 2011-2012 Cycle

Decision Date Graph 2009-2010 Cycle

Earliest date of ED decisions based on LSN:
2005-2006: December 1st
2006-2007: December 4th
2007-2008: November 28th
2008-2009: November 26th/December 5th
2009-2010: December 1st
2010-2011: November 30th
2011-2012: December 5th