Just based off the first class, yes:tooswolle wrote:Aside from good clerkship does it have the ability to place people in moderately well paying jobs ie midlaw?
There are at least 24 students with offers at firms with 51 or more attorneys. Also, the last count was 14 with clerkship offers in place. This is only out of the initial group of 58 or 59 3Ls, so if these percentages do not get diluted as the class size increases, then the school will be golden (on par or better than UCLA). If they do get diluted, then the numbers are likely to be closer to Davis or Hastings.
Unfortunately, that's all the data there really is at this point to answer your question. The risk is in whether or not the percentages will remain the same, improve, or if they will get diluted by more than a reasonable amount.
ETA: Also, regarding that shady business practice of losing your scholarship, Yale spoke out against that kind of bullshit recently:
http://abovethelaw.com/2012/04/yale-to- ... ng-people/