Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle) Forum

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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by tennisking88 » Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:00 am

JCFindley wrote:
FakeHubieBrown wrote:
Haven't read through the conversation, so can't take any sides here, but generally speaking, criticizing someone for cursing (particularly in an informal setting) is probably even worse than taking issue with someone's grammar when it comes to attacking an argument.
I wasn't really taking sides mind you just stating an opinion. I still stand behind that opinion though. I don't think cussing has any place on a law school forum, especially on topic. Frankly, it's offensive and uncouth to me.

Would you cuss in a legal document? Would you cuss in a courtroom? Would you cuss on your PS? Would you use the F bomb in front of your professor in class? Would you cuss on this forum if you thought the Admissions Committee read this AND knew who you were?

If the answer to all of the above is no then why would you resort to it on a law school forum? Is it because you think the screen name gives you some anonymity? Even if it does, why would you do something that you would not otherwise do or does the anonymity allow one's true self to come out?

I also stand by the assertion that if someone resorts to cussing they either have or are about to lose their temper. In the ring if I can make you lose your temper and you start reacting based on emotion instead of training and reasoned thought I am going to own you from that point on....... Same thing would apply in a courtroom or virtually anywhere else you should be using logic and reasoning and not pure emotion.

Just my take on it of course and YMMV so post however you like.......

On an anonymous message board, it's in fact just as stupid (if not more so) to dismiss a perfectly valid argument just because someone puts a curse word in the middle of it, as putting that word in.

You are developing signs of what we in the youth community refer to as: Cranky Old Man syndrome. If it lasts for more than four hours, see your doctor.


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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by B986 » Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:07 am

dingbat wrote:
JCFindley wrote:
dingbat wrote:.

They got ya all wound up again, didn't they?
No, actually. We got into a discussion about how WUSTL gives out more schollys than Fordham. I then obtained publicly available financial statements for both schools and started comparing them.
After a while I realized that the discussion was entirely pointless, so I deleted the (rather long) posts.
The big issue is that financial statements are only available for the university as a whole and not for the individual schools, and considering well over half of WUSTL's finances are related to the medical school, it made the conversation that ensued rather pointless.
B986 wrote: Quick q - why do you hang out on here just to poke and prod and annoy the ever-loving crap out of people??

Edit: sorry for waking up on the wrong side of the bed today. I just think it's obnoxious to post annoying things just to get a rise out of people and then delete them all after the fact.
I actually didn't post just to get a rise. We started a conversation that had merits, but it went veered in the wrong direction.
We both went down the rabbit hole together.

To give you a quick summary, the poster commented about how WUSTL gives out a lot more schollys.
I decided to look up financial statements for WUSTL and for Fordham
I made statements of fact based on these financials, but qualified them by saying there were limitations to what I could analyze
This led to some more Q&A related thereto.
I am a very analytical person (and had recently been deeply involved in a corporate audit) so I kept following the analysis down the path the questions were taking me (based on the answers provided)
After asking a further question, dietcoke0's retort made me realize we were going in the wrong direction; I realized that the many inches of analysis I wrote were a waste of time and space soi deleted them

Edit: I rarely do things just to get a rise out of someone, although I have once lost my temper in this forum. Mostly I just want to see who got in. I do get annoyed when people come into this forum just to rail against the school for perceived injustices (e.g. "XYZ gave me a bigger scholly so Fordham sucks", "law schools is too expensive")
I hear you. I have to say, though, that taking the time to engage in such a pointless debate, delete your comments afterward, and then parse the discussion from start to finish in this manner is probably not worth your energy.


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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by FakeHubieBrown » Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:13 am


Yeah, cursing has its time and place…no shoot (don’t want to insult your sensibilities). Is it a good idea to curse in a ‘formal’ setting or in a circumstance when you’re being judged by a set of people you know nothing about it (like a ps)? No.

But an internet forum is nothing like a courtroom or a legal document, dude. It’s a place for informal back-and-forth, for people who are looking for advice/discussion.

I get your point on how you think cursing is uncouth and unprofessional and that’s fine and dandy, even if a bit uptight.

But that’s not what I was taking issue with. My narrow criticism of your post was squarely directed at the portion dismissing his logical reasoning solely because he freaking cursed.

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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by dingbat » Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:32 am

B986 wrote: I hear you. I have to say, though, that taking the time to engage in such a pointless debate, delete your comments afterward, and then parse the discussion from start to finish in this manner is probably not worth your energy.
probably not, but it killed a few minutes if my day, so no real harm.
Also, didn't realize the debate was going to be pointless when it started.
Did learn some interesting facts.
For example, WUSTL (as a school) charges about 1.5 times the amount of tuition as they actually take in, Meaning the average scholarship there is 1/3.

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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by JCFindley » Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:40 am

FakeHubieBrown wrote:JC,

Yeah, cursing has its time and place…no shoot (don’t want to insult your sensibilities). Is it a good idea to curse in a ‘formal’ setting or in a circumstance when you’re being judged by a set of people you know nothing about it (like a ps)? No.

But an internet forum is nothing like a courtroom or a legal document, dude. It’s a place for informal back-and-forth, for people who are looking for advice/discussion.

I get your point on how you think cursing is uncouth and unprofessional and that’s fine and dandy, even if a bit uptight.

But that’s not what I was taking issue with. My narrow criticism of your post was squarely directed at the portion dismissing his logical reasoning solely because he freaking cursed.
Oh, on that I actually had no issue or point. His points were fine and valid and (s)he had defensible points..... I wasn't saying the whole argument was invalid, simply that when you revert to cussing you can lose creditably and you can in fact negate some of the credibility you have earned up until that point. It does show that someone is moving away from the logical argument and towards the emotional one though.

While some forums are an informal atmosphere keep in mind this is not a Friday night poker game with a bunch of buddies you have known since grade school. This IS in fact a public arena where you are being judged by people you know nothing about and know nothing more about you than words on a screen. The AdComs very well may come in here and anonymity online really isn't. IF someone wants to dig deep enough it is likely they can find the names of every poster on this board.... Not that they would dig that deep to find out who used the F word but online anonymity is in fact a farce.

Oh, without a doubt I have some symptoms of cranky old man syndrome..... Now, if you would be so kind as to hand me my walker it is time for my afternoon nap......

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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by dietcoke0 » Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:41 am

Don't post much here nor do I know dingbat before tonight (but seeing he has 3,200 posts in a few months maybe I should) but he wasn't being mean or deceitful, just engaging in convo. I helped turned it to where it was going, and down we both went. It was funny once I knew he wasn't some obsessed nerd trying to figure out the per square foot cost, and perhaps the aggregated weight of each student body to their tuition dollars. Just took me longer than normal to figure that out.

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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by dingbat » Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:46 am

dietcoke0 wrote:Don't post much here nor do I know dingbat before tonight (but seeing he has 3,200 posts in a few months maybe I should) but he wasn't being mean or deceitful, just engaging in convo. I helped turned it to where it was going, and down we both went. It was funny once I knew he wasn't some obsessed nerd trying to figure out the per square foot cost, and perhaps the aggregated weight of each student body to their tuition dollars. Just took me longer than normal to figure that out.
Yeah, unfortunately I sometimes go off on a tangent.
I also have a habit of coming up with complex solutions when simpler ones may work.
I hope you're feeling better.


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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by cart » Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:48 am

Just withdrew with $.
GL to all of you still waiting!

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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by dietcoke0 » Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:48 am

Oh ha, just realized the JC discussion about cursing (come on, cuss, how old are we?) was based on me. I'll send one rebuttal that should settle it.

Who the fuck cares?

It's words, a social message board, in a country that has first amendment rights. If I want to say fuck to make a point, to make a threat, to talk about someone I had a night with, or just to say while dancing around the fucking maypole, then it's on me, not you. You can judge, that's fine, but you don't need to be all preachy preachy because you don't agree with something. I type how I talk on social affairs, and if I use words like fuck, shit, damn, donkey-nuts, then oh well. It is not censored on this site since we are all adults, and likewise, are allowed to act like adults. Some adults curse, some don't. I don't say I curse a lot (except in this post) but I do curse. Obviously if I'm in school/work/family situations I'm not going to use certain words, but when I start talking about asinine things online, I'll use whatever word choice I feel like.

Either way, just relax, out of life, seeing/hearing a word should be the least of your worries. There's a lot of bad shit out there, but words aren't them.

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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by dingbat » Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:54 am

Last edited by dingbat on Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by JCFindley » Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:00 pm

dietcoke0 wrote:Oh ha, just realized the JC discussion about cursing (come on, cuss, how old are we?) was based on me. I'll send one rebuttal that should settle it.

Who the fuck cares?

It's words, a social message board, in a country that has first amendment rights. If I want to say fuck to make a point, to make a threat, to talk about someone I had a night with, or just to say while dancing around the fucking maypole, then it's on me, not you. You can judge, that's fine, but you don't need to be all preachy preachy because you don't agree with something. I type how I talk on social affairs, and if I use words like fuck, shit, damn, donkey-nuts, then oh well. It is not censored on this site since we are all adults, and likewise, are allowed to act like adults. Some adults curse, some don't. I don't say I curse a lot (except in this post) but I do curse. Obviously if I'm in school/work/family situations I'm not going to use certain words, but when I start talking about asinine things online, I'll use whatever word choice I feel like.

Either way, just relax, out of life, seeing/hearing a word should be the least of your worries. There's a lot of bad shit out there, but words aren't them.
:D A class act indeed.....

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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by dietcoke0 » Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:03 pm

Kisses darling ;)


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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by B986 » Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:37 pm

Anyone hear anything yet today?

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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by dingbat » Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:24 am



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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by DTDT » Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:31 am

Part-timer here. Looking forward to the upcoming semester. Wouldn't mind connecting since we only have 80 in the class.


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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by Nay9 » Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:50 pm

DTDT wrote:Part-timer here. Looking forward to the upcoming semester. Wouldn't mind connecting since we only have 80 in the class.
Also an incoming PTer. Would love to meet others!


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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by baconcausescancer » Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:03 pm

So in an earlier e-mail to all the waitlist candidates, they totally said that they wouldn't be able to "offer any merit scholarships to students admitted off the waitlist."

I got an e-mail today saying I got merit moniez.

Happy mistake? Has this happened to anyone else? COME LET US CELEBRATE :D

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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by Oleef » Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:29 am

Accepted to PT on Friday via e-mail :)

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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by JCFindley » Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:37 am

Oleef wrote:Accepted to PT on Friday via e-mail :)


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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by Jimbola » Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:41 am

baconcausescancer wrote:So in an earlier e-mail to all the waitlist candidates, they totally said that they wouldn't be able to "offer any merit scholarships to students admitted off the waitlist."

I got an e-mail today saying I got merit moniez.

Happy mistake? Has this happened to anyone else? COME LET US CELEBRATE :D
Oh man, I told them I wasn't interested any longer. I hope your numbers are a lot better than mine otherwise I'm gonna be mad at myself.

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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by JenDarby » Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:08 am

Jimbola wrote:
baconcausescancer wrote:So in an earlier e-mail to all the waitlist candidates, they totally said that they wouldn't be able to "offer any merit scholarships to students admitted off the waitlist."

I got an e-mail today saying I got merit moniez.

Happy mistake? Has this happened to anyone else? COME LET US CELEBRATE :D
Oh man, I told them I wasn't interested any longer. I hope your numbers are a lot better than mine otherwise I'm gonna be mad at myself.
If his/her profile is accurate - 165/3.5/non URM.

Maybe that was Fordham's sly way of weeding out the people who really wanted Fordham. :lol:

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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by ned » Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:49 am

JenDarby wrote:
Jimbola wrote:
baconcausescancer wrote:So in an earlier e-mail to all the waitlist candidates, they totally said that they wouldn't be able to "offer any merit scholarships to students admitted off the waitlist."

I got an e-mail today saying I got merit moniez.

Happy mistake? Has this happened to anyone else? COME LET US CELEBRATE :D
Oh man, I told them I wasn't interested any longer. I hope your numbers are a lot better than mine otherwise I'm gonna be mad at myself.
If his/her profile is accurate - 165/3.5/non URM.

Maybe that was Fordham's sly way of weeding out the people who really wanted Fordham. :lol:
Also, geography matters. Anyone from outside the northeast can help cement Fordham as a national rather than regional force. The lucky recipient is from CA.


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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by DTDT » Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:55 am

I'm not sure "cement" is the appropriate term.

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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by ned » Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:07 am

DTDT wrote:I'm not sure "cement" is the appropriate term.
OK, how about "contribute to building".

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Re: Fordham c/o 2015/16 (2011-2012 Cycle)

Post by dingbat » Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:18 am

ned wrote:
DTDT wrote:I'm not sure "cement" is the appropriate term.
OK, how about "contribute to building".
At least we'll get to use the new building

Seriously? What are you waiting for?

Now there's a charge.
Just kidding ... it's still FREE!

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