On an anonymous message board, it's in fact just as stupid (if not more so) to dismiss a perfectly valid argument just because someone puts a curse word in the middle of it, as putting that word in.JCFindley wrote:I wasn't really taking sides mind you just stating an opinion. I still stand behind that opinion though. I don't think cussing has any place on a law school forum, especially on topic. Frankly, it's offensive and uncouth to me.FakeHubieBrown wrote:
Haven't read through the conversation, so can't take any sides here, but generally speaking, criticizing someone for cursing (particularly in an informal setting) is probably even worse than taking issue with someone's grammar when it comes to attacking an argument.
Would you cuss in a legal document? Would you cuss in a courtroom? Would you cuss on your PS? Would you use the F bomb in front of your professor in class? Would you cuss on this forum if you thought the Admissions Committee read this AND knew who you were?
If the answer to all of the above is no then why would you resort to it on a law school forum? Is it because you think the screen name gives you some anonymity? Even if it does, why would you do something that you would not otherwise do or does the anonymity allow one's true self to come out?
I also stand by the assertion that if someone resorts to cussing they either have or are about to lose their temper. In the ring if I can make you lose your temper and you start reacting based on emotion instead of training and reasoned thought I am going to own you from that point on....... Same thing would apply in a courtroom or virtually anywhere else you should be using logic and reasoning and not pure emotion.
Just my take on it of course and YMMV so post however you like.......
You are developing signs of what we in the youth community refer to as: Cranky Old Man syndrome. If it lasts for more than four hours, see your doctor.