Overall response to the last page or so:
Let's all be nice here. There are different kinds of people with different kinds of personalities and backgrounds, and all have their place in the world. That being said, being social, going to bars, and (yes, really) actually drinking have been proven to go hand-in-hand with being successful in business, especially the legal field. Sure, that may be
sufficient but not necessary, but feel free to find evidence that indicates that socially inept non-drinkers are more successful than the reverse. This may be indicative of the type of personality that goes with these behaviors,
but the result is the same. Get out, have a drink or two, and give it a shot. You may end up liking it.
1) Be social
2) Go to bar
3) Have a (responsible) amount of alcohol
4) ???
5) Profit
Opie wrote:typ3 wrote:Just don't pull any crap like making people wander around for weeks because they forgot to say they wanted to search for a false bottom on a treasure chest. That stuff is infuriating.
ITT: We all out ourselves as shameless nerds.
Speak for yourself. I have no idea what y'all are talking about. Though it's hard to focus when I'm trying to play Final Fantasy XIII.
Rammstein wrote:
When you're not a piss-pants 0L you will understand what I'm talking about. In the meantime, keep working on your MW3 skills, n00bs.
You're not helping for being a gigantic dick. I agree with your points, but explain the best you can in a constructive way, and they will either listen to your or ignore it and figure it out the hard way later.
Opie wrote:I just thought of this: Gabe's. It's one of the best live music venues in the country. Shred can go there.
It's hit or miss these days. They are bringing in a lot more electronic music (dubstep, house, etc.) which I really like, but not everyone does. Blue Moose brings the bigger touring bands lately.
Rammstein wrote:If it's any indication, I have never drank and I have never gone out to a bar in my 4 years of college (other than for music).
Again, good luck bringing in business.
I don't think that's DEFINITELY going to be a problem, but could be. If you don't mind me asking... How do you know how much you'd hate it if you've never done it other than for music? Pre-concieved notions?
Opie wrote:
I hadn't heard that. Good to know. I'm into more low-key partying, you can hang out with me. If there is dancing involved at a place, I'm usually nit going there. If they serve anything that they call a martini that has anything but vodka, gin, and vermouth (and maybe a garnish), I'm out too.
Let's not get rash, Opie. Martinis are evolving, and it has nothing to say about the bar that serves them. Girls especially love the fruity vodka martinis. It benefits bars quite a bit to have an expanded martini menu. I'd actually think you'd be hard pressed to find a bar that ONLY serves traditional gin or vodka martinis.
shredderrrrrr wrote:
Haha you sound like someone I could go out with. I probably have an unfair view of bars growing up in Iowa City and constantly having 19 year old girls throwing up on my front lawn.
Well, bars are 21 and up now. And those 19 year old girls were more likely drinking in a fraternity house or dorm than in a bar anyway.