I live in Gainesville and can help answer any questions you have about the town.
Good luck to you all!
What does my status checker mean?
Application Received, Processing File: Your application was received and Admissions is currently processing and verifying documents.
Application Missing Required Documents: These files are missing required items. This status will change once all of the required items are received and processed.
Processing Application and Documents: These files were either recently received and are being processed or are missing required items. This status will change once all of the required items are received and processed.
All Required Documents Received: All required documents have been received and the application will soon move to the Admissions Committee for review.
Under Initial Review by Committee: The file is complete and the Admissions Committee is currently evaluating the file.
File Reviewed, No Decision Reached: The Committee has reviewed the file, however, a decision has not yet been made on the file. The file will continue to be evaluated as other applications are received. Applicants who have updates to their files such as transcripts and LSAT scores will be re-evaluated by the Admissions Committee based on the new information. Final decisions will be made no later than the end of April, but it is possible that some candidates may hear earlier.
Final Decision Reached, Notice Issued: The Committee has reached a final decision on your application and a decision notice was issued. Usually the decision notice will be received by the applicant within 3-10 days.
What is the index and how do I calculate it?
UF Index formula: .026*LSAT + 0.347*GPA + .254
The index is basically a formula a school uses to rank students for admission
Fall 2011 Entering Class Profile
Class Size: 295
Median LSAT/GPA: 162/3.64
LSAT 75th/25th percentile: 164/160
GPA 75th/25th percentile: 3.82/3.43
Deadline to apply
File and complete by March 15*
Notification by mid-to-late April
What are my chances?
LSN 2011-12 http://florida.lawschoolnumbers.com/sta ... Cycle=1112
LSN 2010-22 http://florida.lawschoolnumbers.com/sta ... Cycle=1112