no news is good news?gaud wrote:Any news?

no news is good news?gaud wrote:Any news?
I lol'd.LSD22 wrote:no news is good news?gaud wrote:Any news?*nervous laugh*
solidarity.justnicholas wrote:Just sent in my seat deposit. As someone who is pretty laid back and non competitive I am a little worried about the so-called atmosphere. Hopefully it isn't true and I can meet some chill people to kick back with.
I'm chill...just so you knowjustnicholas wrote:Just sent in my seat deposit. As someone who is pretty laid back and non competitive I am a little worried about the so-called atmosphere. Hopefully it isn't true and I can meet some chill people to kick back with.
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Kind of ...graduated last December and picked up some part time worklawschool?s wrote:Well T00L and msblaw89 we should totally kick it. Are you guys straight out of undergrad?
graduated april 2011. Im downmsblaw89 wrote:Kind of ...graduated last December and picked up some part time worklawschool?s wrote:Well T00L and msblaw89 we should totally kick it. Are you guys straight out of undergrad?
I liked downtown and around the commons...much cheaper and better quality than the houses/apartments near collegetown ( unless you are at 312, collegetown terrace, or one of those pricey places)lawschool?s wrote:I am straight through. I was hoping to get some Hughes Hall housing, but I think its full. Any idea where good places to live are?
Collegetown seems pretty pricey actually.
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No parking...but bus stop. From what I hear there is no feasible parking on campus. You either need to walk/bike/ take the buslawschool?s wrote:I only spent a couple hours in Ithaca when I visited (since I wasn't admitted yet I wanted to go check out Toronto more than Ithaca), but I thought it was pretty cool. I heard parking is pretty rough to find if you wanna commute by car, but I was curious how the buses work. Being from Seattle we have fairly mild winters, so I am not sure if standing outside in sub-freezing temperatures for a bus is worth it or not. Just curious.
Is there even a bus stop by the law school? or parking by the law school?
I'm nervous too. 17, 29 updates so far.. Thought I'd hear some news todayla Rochejaquelein wrote:But, but today was supposed to be the day we all got accepted. :/
Does the Admissions Office even work Fridays?
Y'all are gonna look back on this conversation in, oh, I don't know, 4 months and be like, " WTF???"msblaw89 wrote:I'm chill...just so you knowjustnicholas wrote:Just sent in my seat deposit. As someone who is pretty laid back and non competitive I am a little worried about the so-called atmosphere. Hopefully it isn't true and I can meet some chill people to kick back with.
This made me LOLQueMellow wrote:Y'all are gonna look back on this conversation in, oh, I don't know, 4 months and be like, " WTF???"msblaw89 wrote:I'm chill...just so you knowjustnicholas wrote:Just sent in my seat deposit. As someone who is pretty laid back and non competitive I am a little worried about the so-called atmosphere. Hopefully it isn't true and I can meet some chill people to kick back with.
Just sayin'.
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I'm not sure, but i asked about the deadline and they said they would contact you to find out what's going on before they take any action, so i wouldn't worry.gyoolgyool wrote:For those of you who got in recently, the JD admin packet says "We also reserve the right to suspend an offer if you have an active reservation with another law school after June 4, 2012." Does anyone know if "active reservation" includes remaining on the waitlist at other schools?
I think an active reservation would mean putting s deposit at another school...not the WLgyoolgyool wrote:For those of you who got in recently, the JD admin packet says "We also reserve the right to suspend an offer if you have an active reservation with another law school after June 4, 2012." Does anyone know if "active reservation" includes remaining on the waitlist at other schools?
This is correct. It says this somewhere in the packet or online or somewheremsblaw89 wrote:I think an active reservation would mean putting s deposit at another school...not the WLgyoolgyool wrote:For those of you who got in recently, the JD admin packet says "We also reserve the right to suspend an offer if you have an active reservation with another law school after June 4, 2012." Does anyone know if "active reservation" includes remaining on the waitlist at other schools?
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