Right now on his G+ page, the last 4-5 posts are all 'limited' - they are about ASWs, the difference between a hold and a waitlist, information about applying for financial aid, etc etc. For example, a recent G+ post that is set to 'limited' (aka you can't read unless you are in one of his circles) -YesNoMaybe wrote:That's interesting. It seems like any crucial information about being on hold would be available to everyone not just his Google+ circles, no? Being on hold is absolutely frustrating. May seems so far away. I don't know how long I can wait... yet Northwestern would be SO AMAZING.
I really don't see the harm in just creating a G+ account, even if you never use it for anything but keeping up with the info from NU. We all know NU is BIG on students who go the extra mile to show their interest in Northwestern...I consider this another way you can show Johann that you REALLY want to get off the hold list.You will see me posting a lot on things NOT to do if you are on hold. Such as today-- please do not show up in the admissions office w/o an appointment... give my front desk person the brush off demanding to speak to someone higher on the food chain-- ALL during my admit event. I've got a bad taste and it's not from the box lunch I just had. Chances of getting off of hold-- diminishing very quickly.
ETA: and, if you need any more proof that this is a GREAT way to connect personally with an admissions dean and make your app stand out, here's a comment he posted in reply to someone on his G+ page:
If I remember your application correctly (this year and last), I think I can safely say that you have not left a stone unturned and have done everything you can up to now.