Maybe they should start calling from a non-203 number just to get people to pick up.MumofCad wrote:Hahhaa - this cracks me up. You're already in! Just say - "thanks, that's such great news!" I feel like an idiot that Stanford couldn't get a hold of me. I hope the Dean doesn't think I ducted her call. I didn't get it! Nowhere on my phone. I think I'm technologically cursed. Either that or I am always deleting work emails and junk and might sometimes delete a call before it fully comes in.goodwillhunting wrote:LOL, they must have been frustrated at everyone letting the call go to voicemail. Good luck to everyone today!spek wrote:From twitter: "A few applicants are receiving good news this afternoon. If you get a call from (203), pick up the phone!"
But then again, if I got a call from non-203 number saying "you're in at Yale!" I would just assume that it's a prank call