darknightbegins wrote:texas man wrote:darknightbegins wrote:I've heard of Tech grads getting some jobs in Austin. But it is still Lubbock. I got in at Tech and they gave me some money but I'm withdrawing. Hopefully this helps someone.
Where will you be going in the fall darknight?
Not sure. I visited LSU and liked the place. I have put down seat deposits there. Also put down a seat deposit at Arkansas and they gave me some money. Got into my own state school, UNM. I like Albq and getting in state tuition is nice. I'm still waiting to hear back from ASU. I'm riding a waitlist at SMU and William and Mary, but I'm only really serious about William and Mary. If I get in there then I am moving there the next day. Although SMU is nice...the price...Yikes. I'd say right now it is a toss up between LSU and UNM.
One thing about Texas Tech I did like was all the law professors with military backgrounds. I liked that as I wouldn't mind working for JAG or the federal government and it seems their faculty has alot of connections in that area. Maybe something for you guys to look into if that is your interest.
Looks like you have some pretty good and diverse options. If you get into William and Mary, that would be pretty nice- it's a beautiful place; I've also got a sweet spot for them since Thomas Jefferson went there. UNM is unbelievably cheap - in this economy and job market this becomes more valuable. I also like Albuquerque- I've got relatives out there. I don't know much about Arkansas or ASU. I had to say no to SMU- I liked the campus, but it's over $100k more than Tech for me. I've paid off hundreds of thousands in debt before, and it's not something I want to do again. I've heard good things about LSU, but I'd watch out for that redhead (sorry, couldn't help it - I think that made you a legend on TLS)!
It's too bad you don't like Lubbock, with all of the military connections Tech has. I'm not personally interested in military law, but I was impressed to find out that Dean Huffman is a Four-Star General and he was
the top JAG for the entire US Army. He's got some pretty good anecdotes about negotiating with the Chinese and also with the Russians. The Russian story involved a lot of shots of vodka. He also had Alberto Gonzales pop into his National Security Law class this semester to answer questions from his students about why he did what he did. Pretty impressive. A bunch of the other professors and deans have military connections as well.
For me, I've really liked Lubbock each time I've visited - this actually surprised me the first time I was there - I expected that I wouldn't like it. After visiting, it seems like the perfect atmosphere for me to go to law school - not too many distractions (it would be harder for me in Austin), I've found some great restaurants, the campus is really nice, and the swim pool is right by the law school. I'm also a little older than the average law student, so my priorities might be a little different.
For both of us, liking the city/region the school is in is pretty important, and it will have a major influence on where we end up working. I look forward to finding out where you end up, especially if it's at LSU!
Edit: Dean Huffman is actually a Major General (2 star).