Dear [fill in name of school that rejected/waitlisted you],
[In this section you can list the reasons that above school sucks and the reasons that you would not have attended had you been accepted. There are varying approaches to this (some seemingly offensive, but nonetheless, this is the ding bar) but in the end you will have to get a feel for what feels right for you. The key to that is posting something that vents your disappointment and frustration while bringing humor to the many other rejected law school candidates. Do not be worried that you may offend others, many butts may be hurt. Just try to keep your post on point and as funny as possible!]
[your forum name]
Please direct all other questions, comments, debates, inquiries, and general off point posts to the following thread:
http://www.top-law-schools.com/forums/v ... 7&t=179730
My name is LRSlayer, and I approve of this message.