Does FedGov allow split summers? Forum

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Does FedGov allow split summers?

Post by MarxJackson » Tue Feb 23, 2021 4:13 pm

I recently accepted a position with one of the financial regulation agencies. While I'm glad I got an offer, I was really hoping to get experience in an area that I'm more interested in, (plus the agency I'll be at hires very few recent grads). A state AGs office has a department in the field I'd like to get experience in and haven't picked who they're interviewing yet (at least thats what the HR person told me). I would've much preferred to work there, but I had 2 days to respond to my offer. As much as I would like to if I got an offer from the State AGs office, I think reneging is probably a bad idea. I haven't withdrawn my application yet from the State AGs office, so started thinking maybe I could try to set up a split summer option? I'm assuming this is not possible, especially since I've already accepted my other offer, but if anybody thinks this is a good idea, let me know. Thanks!

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