AUSA Application and Conflicts? Forum

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AUSA Application and Conflicts?

Post by Anonymous User » Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:28 pm

I'm a current BigLaw associate who represents clients in separate grand jury investigations being run out of the US Attorney's Office in my market. A hiring notice for a criminal AUSA position in this Office posted recently. Some Offices have detailed conflicts guidelines that clearly would require me in these circumstances to notify my affected client(s) that I am seeking employment in the Office, get a conflicts waiver before I could be interviewed, etc. This Office does not.

Thoughts on the way forward here? I don't want to alienate the clients and partners that I work for unless absolutely required. Is this a situation where I should confidentially ask my firm's General Counsel? It would be one thing if this notification process kicked in at the offer stage, or even pre-interview. But if it's required just to send in a resume, I'm loath to tank relationships for, at best, a 5% shot of even getting an interview.


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Re: AUSA Application and Conflicts?

Post by lawfan2012 » Sat Mar 14, 2020 11:00 pm

Regardless of the rules of the USAO, applying for a job with an agency investigating your clients may be (and likely is, depending on circumstances) a conflict of interest that would need to be disclosed to your clients. I would definitely seek guidance at your firm. But I wouldn’t stress too much—this happens all the time in the white collar space and it is hard to imagine your firm or clients being upset or alienated by this.

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