Registered Funds Question Forum

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Registered Funds Question

Post by JK351 » Thu Jan 30, 2025 4:14 pm

I’ve seen a fair amount of discussion on private funds, but I’m considering doing registered funds work and had a few questions.

-Work life balance: I’m sure hours can be long but how structured are they, are there fire drills, are there particularly busy periods, how do you feel registered funds work compares to other practices in terms of WLB, how long do most registered funds people stay in big law?

-The work: what does an average day look like, what are some common tasks, do you find the work intellectually stimulating?

-Exit opportunities: I’m assuming exit opportunities are at mutual funds, but is it relatively easy to find good exit opportunities if you are at a well regarded firm, how is the WLB in-house, how much less is in-house compensation compare to big law salary?

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