WWYD: Skadden DC vs Cleary DC Forum

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Poll ended at Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:16 am

Total votes: 6


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Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2023 2:13 am

WWYD: Skadden DC vs Cleary DC

Post by sagebergamot » Wed Aug 23, 2023 2:16 am

Should I choose Skadden DC or Cleary DC for summer 2024 if I think I want to do regulatory/government-facing work but I'm not 100% sure? Would want to try out lateraling to the federal government at some point and I am mildly interested in antitrust. Most likely not interested in litigation but do have an interest in transactional/corporate work. I'm mostly concerned about how siloed Skadden DC is and being stuck in a practice I dislike and not being able to branch out. I've been going back and forth for weeks atp so any insights would be appreciated.

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Re: WWYD: Skadden DC vs Cleary DC

Post by Anonymous User » Wed Aug 23, 2023 11:12 am

Voting for Skadden. You can try out various groups during your summer but then you will indeed be siloed. There's a good corporate group and great antitrust group so you can check out both. Cleary is surely the better pick for antitrust but not sure their strengths are all that broad if you don't want to be doing antitrust work exclusively, and Skadden's group is good anyway if you ultimately do want to. So, not sure the degree to which Cleary effectively silos you via not having other strong practices - perhaps others can weigh in. Would also be helpful if you knew of any alternative "regulatory" area interests besides antitrust before having to decide but that's my vote given what's provided

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