GATORTIM wrote:joeshmo39 wrote:Hm... I don't think we even said we didn't achieve it. We're saying it's a shitty achievment and it disspoints us. I went in, I took the test, I did poorly. I don't think anyone here was saying they didn't deserve it we're just talking about how it's rough to go in, come up short (but not that short).
Perhaps, but to start posting about it on a site where 95% of people scored lower than this really makes one look like an idiot, tantamount to me driving my Lexus SUV into the slums of LA and bitching about my lack fuel efficiency to a guy digging in a dumpster; well, maybe not entirely similar, but you get the point.
If you think 95 percent of the people on this site scored lower than me, you need to poke around more. This site is in no way representative of all test takers.
We aren't really "bitching" either. We're just, us group of 166ers, discussing how awkward and disappointing of a score it is and how we wish it could have gone differently and it creates a weird spot to be in. We're not trying to flaunt it in the "slums of LA" ie. some school where a 166 would be very strong. I mean, this thread pretty much asked for all the 166 people to come in and chat it up and then you, whatever your score was, came in here after reading the "how to be an internet tough guy pragmatist/realist" hand book and decided to get all analogous on us. This thread clearly indicates the topic and we aren't subjecting people to our misery, you opted in by clicking on it (my apologies if you are in some sort of eyes open clockwork orange experiment where you must watch and participate in this thread, perhaps I am assuming too much). So, no, I do not "get your point" cause your comparison missed the mark. I guess you just aren't with us in this thread.
P.S. My score got me into a school which I'm psyched to attend and was on the top of my list before I ever started studying for the LSAT so I'm not totally humiliated or hating it. I dunno if the title means sucks as in "indicates you are a moron" or "is crappy to deal with" but I think more of the latter.