I think you should stay away from the 8 sections in a row idea.theplacesyoullgo wrote:So, this is my dilemma. I feel like I've gotten nowhere with the logic games since I started prepping in mid-July.
I'm taking a PowerScore class. I understand how to set up the logic games, and I'm convinced that if I had 20 more minutes (yeah, I know...) to complete the section, I would get them all right (but wouldn't we all?). I either get 3 of the 4 games done with good accuracy, or I get them all done with mediocre accuracy.
I took a practice test today - 169. However, I got ten incorrect on logic games, which is actually worse than my last two practice tests' logic games sections.
I'm incredibly frustrated and unsure what to do. I'm aiming for 171/172. Does anyone have tips for someone who just can't seem to improve on the logic games? Does it really come down to just practicing? I know everyone says "Powerscore Bible," and while I am trying to work my way through it, it's essentially a review of what I've already done in the actual Powerscore class (which apparently isn't really helping).
I might just do something like 8 logic games sections in a row and see if my performance improves from the first to the last one.
Instead pick a couple of LG sections (or problems from pscore homeworks) and divide up 4-10 logic games that fall under straightforward linear, advanced linear, basic grouping, sequencing, advanced grouping and hybrid and do a few of those timed to see if you can get them in 10 minutes or so.
See how you do and then just try to see the patterns and make better initial diagrams (inferences) whatever your issue is. and see if you can improve your time.