DeMorgan's Laws re WITHOUT and UNLESS Forum

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DeMorgan's Laws re WITHOUT and UNLESS

Post by DeMorgan24 » Sun Sep 15, 2024 4:13 pm


I have two questions regarding properly interpreting/applying DeMorgan's laws. DeMorgan's laws hold the following:

The negation of "A and B" is the same as "not A or not B."
The negation of "A or B" is the same as "not A and not B."
not (A or B) = (not A) and (not B)
not (A and B) = (not A) or (not B)

Sentence #1 to examine: The person's transition to a happy state of being cannot take place WITHOUT the basin OR a desire for it.

Question 1: What is the correct starting position in properly applying DeMorgan's laws?

OPTION A: without(basin or desire) then cannot take place. [Yields: if not basin AND if not desire --> transition cannot take place; Contrapositive: if transition takes place --> basin OR desire]

OPTION B: without basin or without desire then cannot take place. [Yields: if not basin OR if not desire --> transition cannot take place; Contrapositive: if transition takes place --> basin AND desire]

Sentence #2 to examine: Unless a person comes out of water AND G, the person enter into a happy state of being.

Question 2: What is the correct starting position in properly applying DeMorgan's laws?

OPTION A: if not(water AND G). [Yields: if not water OR if not G--> not enter happy state; Contrapositive: if enter happy state --> water AND G]

OPTION B: if not water AND if not G. [Yields: if not water AND if not G --> not enter happy state; Contrapositive: if enter happy state --> water OR G]


After hearing answers to the above two questions, I will pose an additional bonus question.

Looking forward to reading the responses!

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