Difficulty improving score - 4 tests so far Forum

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Difficulty improving score - 4 tests so far

Post by Operabella » Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:05 am

I need some advice, please. I've taken the lsat x4 times thus far and can't seem to break a 160. I'm definitely improving (with minimal effort), but I just landed on a 156 and am trying to decide if I want to try again one last time before calling it. What would you do? Thank you!


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Re: Difficulty improving score - 4 tests so far

Post by crazywafflez » Mon Sep 13, 2021 11:44 am

Operabella wrote:
Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:05 am
I need some advice, please. I've taken the lsat x4 times thus far and can't seem to break a 160. I'm definitely improving (with minimal effort), but I just landed on a 156 and am trying to decide if I want to try again one last time before calling it. What would you do? Thank you!
This really depends on what your goals are, tbh.
I think a 155-160 will get you into a T1/T2 in a respected city/state school (think UTk if you are from TN, Syracuse, Buffalo, Kentucky, Louisville, Ole Miss, New Mexico, Oklahoma, ND, SD, etc.) if you are from one of those states, and totally fine practicing in that state/city for the foreseeable future- really any T1- half the T3 are fine, as long as you can go on a decent scholarship. So, go to the state school in the state you want to practice.
If your goals are biglaw in Los Angeles, NYC, Atlanta, etc., than you'll need to retake and aim for a different caliber of schools. The criteria will be the same if you are aiming for top PI goals as well. State ADAs, PDs, AGAs etc., don't need to be Vandy or Cornell grads, but most AUSAs and ACLU folks are.
Best of luck.

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Re: Difficulty improving score - 4 tests so far

Post by SilvermanBarPrep » Tue Sep 14, 2021 1:47 pm

You're scoring at a solid level which I think means that you'll gain even more from continued practice. When someone is scoring very low (say, in the 140s) other advice is needed. But when you're scoring in the high 150's and low 160's, continuing to work through official practice exams and focusing heavily on your mistakes (even more so than the correct answers) is essential. In other words, why did you pick the answer you picked; what reasoning led you to that result. Are you continually making the same errors in reasoning, etc. The higher you score, the tougher it is to improve. But there's really no reason why you can't get that score up to a 165.

Sean (Silverman Bar Exam & LSAT Tutoring)

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