LSAC To Begin Testing Online Writing Sample Forum

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LSAC To Begin Testing Online Writing Sample

Post by DKilloranPowerScore » Tue Aug 07, 2018 7:09 pm

Starting tomorrow, Wednesday 8/8, LSAC is going to send out invitations to recent test takers for a trial run of an Online Writing Sample format. The goal is to eventually transition from an in-person, hand-written essay at the end of each LSAT administration, to a system where you can complete a single Writing Sample online (at home or elsewhere) at some point after the test, and that sole essay would opt you out of having to do the Sample ever again during subsequent tests.

The benefits here are obvious and significant:

- You can leave the test center following the completion of Section 5
- You can type the essay rather than being forced to use a pencil
- And above you have the convenience of doing it only once and from the comfort of home (or wherever else you choose)

The trial period will begin on August 20th and run through September 4th, and invitees will have until 8/15 (next Wednesday) to sign up. For your participation, including the completion of a short survey, you'll receive a credit for one free Law School Report (a $45 value).

Note: This is NOT the real thing (yet)! This is just an early trial run to get some feedback and see how it goes. The incentive here, aside from satisfying some curiosity and giving you a bit of essay practice, is the $45 school report waiver.

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