Question types of newer tests(72- current) Forum

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Question types of newer tests(72- current)

Post by Jimlaw123 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:14 pm

I have a question.. are the newer test harder? (72-80).

I mean, I've noticed that the LG's are a lot harder, worded different.

I have a question, is the question if the stem states, "Which one of the following, if true, provides the most support for the argument?

This is a strengthen question, right? This has been throwing me off. Any input would help, thanks.

King of the North

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Re: Question types of newer tests(72- current)

Post by King of the North » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:12 pm

Yep, that would be a strengthen question. I used to also struggle with knowing what question type certain questions were when they are worded differently. It's just a matter of drilling individual question types enough to where you come across all the many different ways they can word a question. It's all about familiarity.


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Re: Question types of newer tests(72- current)

Post by Jimlaw123 » Thu Feb 08, 2018 10:45 pm

King of the North wrote:Yep, that would be a strengthen question. I used to also struggle with knowing what question type certain questions were when they are worded differently. It's just a matter of drilling individual question types enough to where you come across all the many different ways they can word a question. It's all about familiarity.
Thanks, that helps a lot.

My test is on Saturday, so wish me luck. Thanks.

Law 202x

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Re: Question types of newer tests(72- current)

Post by Law 202x » Thu Feb 08, 2018 11:18 pm

Negative. I've found all but the hardest LGs fairly manageable. Now compare that to the unpublished February tests supplied in SuperPrep I and II, those are almost unmanageable. I was brutalized by those tests, and I don't think I took any of the tests timed. I merely would take one section at a time for practice. The 70s are hard but I wouldn't say harder because I don't even have a frame of reference to say such a thing but, on the basis of the limited observation of the February tests, it seems to me that AR has gotten easier over the years while RC and or LR have gotten harder to maintain the difficulty of the test. That is my cursory opinion based on the evidence I've seen.

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Re: Question types of newer tests(72- current)

Post by eraserhead » Fri Feb 09, 2018 5:03 pm

Law 202x wrote:Negative. I've found all but the hardest LGs fairly manageable. Now compare that to the unpublished February tests supplied in SuperPrep I and II, those are almost unmanageable. I was brutalized by those tests, and I don't think I took any of the tests timed. I merely would take one section at a time for practice. The 70s are hard but I wouldn't say harder because I don't even have a frame of reference to say such a thing but, on the basis of the limited observation of the February tests, it seems to me that AR has gotten easier over the years while RC and or LR have gotten harder to maintain the difficulty of the test. That is my cursory opinion based on the evidence I've seen.
I think the 72-current tests are more difficult when it comes to LR. There is some stuff in there that I've spent hours discussing with Manhattan prep tutors that are just as stumped by the inconsistency with some of what LSAC allows in LR now vs. in older tests. There were a few LR questions from PT 83 (just this past december) that were kind of ridiculous. I also think that RC questions have gotten a little bit trickier, while the RC passage level difficulty is pretty consistent. LG is somewhat easier now IMO. The way that the rules for LG are laid out might take two or three reads prior to understanding what they're looking for, but once you have an understanding of the rules the games themselves even for game 4s/ harder ones in the passage seem easier. There were a few games in the older tests where I just had no idea how to approach them. Happens less frequently in 72+

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Law 202x

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Re: Question types of newer tests(72- current)

Post by Law 202x » Fri Feb 09, 2018 5:08 pm

Absolutely. And it seems like there are less rules and less contingent rules of the sort "A before C unless D come before F, in which case,...." stuff like that that will throw you off. I think that benefits more students than not but then again the tests are normed so that doesn't bear statistical analysis but I certainly feel to be one of the ones benefited, unless one of the monsters from the 1990s or early 2000s administrations pops up tomorrow.

King of the North

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Re: Question types of newer tests(72- current)

Post by King of the North » Mon Feb 12, 2018 2:39 pm

Jimlaw123 wrote:
King of the North wrote:Yep, that would be a strengthen question. I used to also struggle with knowing what question type certain questions were when they are worded differently. It's just a matter of drilling individual question types enough to where you come across all the many different ways they can word a question. It's all about familiarity.
Thanks, that helps a lot.

My test is on Saturday, so wish me luck. Thanks.
How did your test go?


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Re: Question types of newer tests(72- current)

Post by blueprint-nick » Mon Feb 12, 2018 2:46 pm

I think that Logic Games has actually gotten easier.

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Re: Question types of newer tests(72- current)

Post by DKM » Mon Feb 12, 2018 3:00 pm

I think that logic games as a hole have gotten easier, although it seems as though there have been more "unorthodox" games in recent tests as well. Games like the computer virus one, the trading buildings one, the work-pieces one, the bus stop one, etc. My biggest fear was running into something like this on my actual test. Not necessarily because of the difficulty, but they can sure throw your groove off. All of those games I mentioned are from 70-80, I think.

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King of the North

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Re: Question types of newer tests(72- current)

Post by King of the North » Mon Feb 12, 2018 3:07 pm

DKM wrote:I think that logic games as a hole have gotten easier, although it seems as though there have been more "unorthodox" games in recent tests as well. Games like the computer virus one, the trading buildings one, the work-pieces one, the bus stop one, etc. My biggest fear was running into something like this on my actual test. Not necessarily because of the difficulty, but they can sure throw your groove off. All of those games I mentioned are from 70-80, I think.
I feel the same way. Constantly worried that I'll run into a very unusual game when I take the actual test. I'm hoping that doesn't become the case.

Did anyone in here take the Feb. test that can say if there were any unusual games? If I'm allowed to ask that.. I think I am. If not, ignore my question lol.


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Re: Question types of newer tests(72- current)

Post by Jimlaw123 » Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:51 am

King of the North wrote:
Jimlaw123 wrote:
King of the North wrote:Yep, that would be a strengthen question. I used to also struggle with knowing what question type certain questions were when they are worded differently. It's just a matter of drilling individual question types enough to where you come across all the many different ways they can word a question. It's all about familiarity.
Thanks, that helps a lot.

My test is on Saturday, so wish me luck. Thanks.
How did your test go?
Honestly, it was well, It went.

The 2nd section was games, the first game was a 2 tier game(hard as heck), I was tripping, went to the next game, sequencing, then I hit the hard game (Virus type game, out of nowhere, 8 questions), and I was on it for awhile, but me being stupid, and so jazzed, the paper was stuck "together", so I went back, finished the first, 2nd, and 3rd game, when she called 5 mins... I didn't realize their was another game, then I was putting in answers, saw I only had 18, pulled by stupid book through, and boom.. last game, only 5 questions.. I freak out, was gonna walk out of the test then.. but I was like, "No, you've put in all this time, fuck it, get it through".. and I fought through it, guessed on all of them, went through the test hoping for another LG section, supplemental, but there wasn't.

It was LR, but the weird part, which I'm kicking myself in the pants for.. The RC.. which is my worst section.. wasn't brutal. I knew it.. I mean, I was getting through it, and checking answers. I usually only get through 3 sections with half right, but this time, I felt like I got a majority (90%) right in the first 3 sections, and then on the last one, I got at least the MP, and the second question right, they called time, and I guessed on the last 5...

So I'm pissed at myself, but pleased at my performance in RC.. like truly. I knew the answers were right, since I was able to "Cross reference" and decipher the last one... so I felt better about it, if I would've gotten that "game", ugh.. I would've been golden.. but, that's just how it goes.

I'm okay with it. I can't do it again, I'm going to law school next year, and that was that. Haha, such is life. It helps I met a couple top lawyers, in my field, and one went to UCSF, another LMU, another Chapman, and their paid as heck, and assured me, I don't need to go to Harvard to get into my field and do well..

So I'm cool with it, but it was 4 years off and on, and going nuts. I'm glad it's over, now just turning in my apps, and letting the cards fall where they may. As long as the school is private, and has been around at least 100 years, I'm cool with it.

King of the North

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Re: Question types of newer tests(72- current)

Post by King of the North » Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:28 pm

That’s good, Jim. I hope you end up with a score that gets you into the school you want to go to.

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