Background: International student senior at an American UG (LAC ranked around #30 on US News)
LSAC GPA: 3.63 (if I do well this semester, best case scenario i'll have 3.68)
Major: Polisci and Russian double major
LSAT: Dec will be my first score
URM: N/a (Asian)
WE: Interned for US congressman does that count?
Aiming for: T30, but would love to get low T-14/GULC
My GPA is low, and i have 1 month until the dec LSAT which will be my first score. I started this process really late in the game, so i wanted to see if people could give me some advice.
I officially (got the prep books and flipped through some my junior year) started studying for the LSAT this semester, so I've been studying from late august up until now. I've had a full course load of school (and with my low gpa I really need to get all A's this semester to raise it up), and rn I'm PT-ing at 155, only slightly higher than my diagnostic (took in late aug) which was 150. I've been using the powerscore bibles and their workbooks(haven't gotten thru the whole of the bibles yet tho), the 10 official prep tests (62-71) and have been using 7sage for LG explanations. I only stumbled upon the blind review method recently so will adopt it for the PTs i took these past few weeks. I was following powerscore's 3 month study plan, but half way through realized i couldn't keep up as i had too much work for school, and for the past few weeks ive kinda just been using their workbooks to drill as well as 1 PT per week. I'd say my weakest area is RC - I'm a slow reader, but i've been focused on drilling LGs this past week or so. I still have a semester long research paper to write for one of my classes, and i'm taking the GRE next week (will retake in mid dec, gonna apply for grad school too to keep my options open), but i have a week long (with weekends before and after) thanksgiving break coming up that i could devote pretty much entirely to LSAT studying.
What are your suggestions on how i should use my 1 month (with 1 week of thanksgiving break) leading up the the dec LSAT? Suggestions on my study method and what i should focus on, seeing there's not much time left? Should I take(sign up for) the Feb LSAT as backup if i don't do well in Dec? And if so, would getting a decent Feb score be too late to apply this cycle?
I'd prefer to apply this cycle, but i know i screwed up by starting studying too late (was studying abroad jr year and over the summer), so i wouldn't be completely against retaking in sep and applying next cycle. And if so if i do well next semester i might end up with a 3.7+ LSAC GPA. And alternatively if i get into a good grad school i might just take that and maybe use the summer to study for sep lsat, then attend law school after grad school.
Also how does being an international student at an American UG factor into this? I would love to get into a lower T-14/GULC but i know it might be a little unrealistic for me rn especially with a 3.6X GPA

What's a realistic LSAT goal to aim for if i wanna have a chance at a T30 like GWU or BC and what would that number be for GULC/low t-14 considering my circumstances?
Thank you in advance!