-11 Curve, September 2017 Waiter's Thread Forum

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by OldSpeedoGuy » Tue Sep 26, 2017 11:37 am

Jack_Kelly wrote:
OldSpeedoGuy wrote:Can someone define democratic socialist for me?
Not really. The "Nordic Model" sense it's used in the US is pretty much wrong, but it's hard to tell who means it that way vs the anti-capitalist Allende/Chavez/Debs way.
I take it as people enchanted by Bernie Sanders, but Sanders has been inconsistent. Historically, he's as red as they come, but he conveniently (and deceptively) points to Scandinavian countries as exemplars.

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by Barry grandpapy » Tue Sep 26, 2017 11:42 am

Walliums wrote:
Barry grandpapy wrote:
april_ludgate wrote:What if you are both socially and economically conservative? I'm neither but that seems like a weird dichotomy to have to choose between if you are
I swapped neoconservative to conservative for you since neo had 0 :P
Barry can we axe this poll? 10/10 boring
Boring? Our post numbers are WAY UP!

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by chewinggum » Tue Sep 26, 2017 11:46 am

Walliums wrote:New poll idea... which of the T14 are you not applying to?
I decided on Berkeley yesterday

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by Jack_Kelly » Tue Sep 26, 2017 11:53 am

Walliums wrote:New poll idea... which of the T14 are you not applying to?
HYS... I hear they don't look on 3.45 GPAs too fondly. (My chances at CC are also near 0 but probably not quite 0)

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by twiix » Tue Sep 26, 2017 11:57 am

Jack_Kelly wrote:
Walliums wrote:New poll idea... which of the T14 are you not applying to?
HYS... I hear they don't look on 3.45 GPAs too fondly. (My chances at CC are also near 0 but probably not quite 0)
Also splitter, although way more extreme than you.

HYSCCN, out.
P, out.
Berk, out.

Leaves me with V,M,D,NU,UT.

Gonna be a grim few months

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Rupert Pupkin

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by Rupert Pupkin » Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:10 pm

twiix wrote:
OldSpeedoGuy wrote:
chewinggum wrote:
saf18hornet wrote:
twiix wrote:If we want some more shitposting we just need people providing some hot takes. I'll start.

People that complain about individuals (NFL Players) kneeling for the Anthem are the problem with America and are unable to properly comprehend what "freedom" entails.
Let me get this straight....
Kneeling in protest of a man's comments = exercising freedom, but
Saying you disagree with someone's kneeling = an unacceptable freedom of expression

Yeahhhh, that doesn't seem quite right.
I think one is supporting the right to protest whereas the other is opposing a form of protest.

So, yes.
Caveat: Form =/= Right

I think the difference is that while yes, there are some people who verbally disagree, there are others who are saying they deserve to be fired and there's no place in this country for those types of people (types meaning, those who kneel during the anthem). I think verbally expressing disagreement with their actions is entirely fine, it's the solutions that these people are proposing that are the problem. More often than not those who verbally disagree with others kneeling turns into a "white lives matter" circle jerk from conservative voters, which stems from them feeling attacked by those kneeling, or that those kneeling are disgracing them/our country. [At least that seems to be the case with the middle class americans that are from where I grew up.]

So it's not a matter of me disagreeing with someones freedom to have an opinion, but it's more of a matter of me disagreeing with their self entitlement and acting like their opinions are more important/correct than others.
the reason why so many people are upset about the kneeling is not because said people are standing up for their rights and protesting, but because they took it to the extreme and are disrespecting the most simplest aspect of unity that illustrates a countries sovereignty. It can be compared to the burning of the american flag. I think instead of disrespecting the premise of our country as a whole the people should just be protesting trump and what he stands for. Although this is most definitely their intention, i dont think they realize their intended effect is not what is being experienced. It would be like doing something to the bible instead of protesting or denouncing a rogue priest... I really loved seeing the cowboys all kneel BEFORE the national anthem and resume & pay respects to our country. That was cool to see Jerry Jones validate that there are issues we need to unify and handle, but not at the cost of pissing on what unifies us already

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by Walliums » Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:22 pm

Can we do a roll call of things that you don't like that most people do?

I'll start: soda. I hate soda and all carbonated drinks.

And I think soccer is kinda dumb too.

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by Jack_Kelly » Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:36 pm

twiix wrote:
Jack_Kelly wrote:
Walliums wrote:New poll idea... which of the T14 are you not applying to?
HYS... I hear they don't look on 3.45 GPAs too fondly. (My chances at CC are also near 0 but probably not quite 0)
Also splitter, although way more extreme than you.

HYSCCN, out.
P, out.
Berk, out.

Leaves me with V,M,D,NU,UT.

Gonna be a grim few months
I'm probably debt averse enough that I'll end up at WUSTL (or maybe Vanderbilt) but I'd love a higher ranked school to surprise me with $.

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by heyduchess » Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:36 pm

Rupert Pupkin wrote:

the reason why so many people are upset about the kneeling is not because said people are standing up for their rights and protesting, but because they took it to the extreme and are disrespecting the most simplest aspect of unity that illustrates a countries sovereignty. It can be compared to the burning of the american flag. I think instead of disrespecting the premise of our country as a whole the people should just be protesting trump and what he stands for. Although this is most definitely their intention, i dont think they realize their intended effect is not what is being experienced. It would be like doing something to the bible instead of protesting or denouncing a rogue priest... I really loved seeing the cowboys all kneel BEFORE the national anthem and resume & pay respects to our country. That was cool to see Jerry Jones validate that there are issues we need to unify and handle, but not at the cost of pissing on what unifies us already
(edited to fix weird quote brackets)
...Except this protest pre-dates Trump and is more about our country as a whole than just its president. These protests began as a response to systemic racism and police brutality. To use your Bible metaphor, that'd be like destroying a bible because some of its major values are systemically making your life more difficult or that part of the bible makes you more likely to die at the hands of a public servant. (That's a sloppy analogy, but you get what I'm saying.)

RE: the argument that it's like burning a flag... After Obama's re-election, there were conservative groups that hung the flag upside down. I'd consider that a more disrespectful treatment of the flag. And it's kind of ridiculous that we're playing the national anthem before domestic sporting events anyway. But that part's just my opinion. We don't play the anthem before plays, movies, concerts, mega-church sermons, or other large displays of people doing their job. Why sports? But that's a topic for another day!

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by chewinggum » Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:45 pm

heyduchess wrote:
Rupert Pupkin wrote:

the reason why so many people are upset about the kneeling is not because said people are standing up for their rights and protesting, but because they took it to the extreme and are disrespecting the most simplest aspect of unity that illustrates a countries sovereignty. It can be compared to the burning of the american flag. I think instead of disrespecting the premise of our country as a whole the people should just be protesting trump and what he stands for. Although this is most definitely their intention, i dont think they realize their intended effect is not what is being experienced. It would be like doing something to the bible instead of protesting or denouncing a rogue priest... I really loved seeing the cowboys all kneel BEFORE the national anthem and resume & pay respects to our country. That was cool to see Jerry Jones validate that there are issues we need to unify and handle, but not at the cost of pissing on what unifies us already
(edited to fix weird quote brackets)
...Except this protest pre-dates Trump and is more about our country as a whole than just its president. These protests began as a response to systemic racism and police brutality. To use your Bible metaphor, that'd be like destroying a bible because some of its major values are systemically making your life more difficult or that part of the bible makes you more likely to die at the hands of a public servant. (That's a sloppy analogy, but you get what I'm saying.)

RE: the argument that it's like burning a flag... After Obama's re-election, there were conservative groups that hung the flag upside down. I'd consider that a more disrespectful treatment of the flag. And it's kind of ridiculous that we're playing the national anthem before domestic sporting events anyway. But that part's just my opinion. We don't play the anthem before plays, movies, concerts, mega-church sermons, or other large displays of people doing their job. Why sports? But that's a topic for another day!

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by Jack_Kelly » Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:48 pm

I will say, the media is doing a stunning job of making the anthem protest about Trump and completely obscuring the police brutality aspect of it. Which is impressive, since the protests started before Trump's election.

And yeah, standing for the national anthem before sporting events is a creepy dystopian ritual to begin with, though not quite on par with the Pledge in schools.

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by Rupert Pupkin » Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:49 pm

heyduchess wrote:
Rupert Pupkin wrote:

the reason why so many people are upset about the kneeling is not because said people are standing up for their rights and protesting, but because they took it to the extreme and are disrespecting the most simplest aspect of unity that illustrates a countries sovereignty. It can be compared to the burning of the american flag. I think instead of disrespecting the premise of our country as a whole the people should just be protesting trump and what he stands for. Although this is most definitely their intention, i dont think they realize their intended effect is not what is being experienced. It would be like doing something to the bible instead of protesting or denouncing a rogue priest... I really loved seeing the cowboys all kneel BEFORE the national anthem and resume & pay respects to our country. That was cool to see Jerry Jones validate that there are issues we need to unify and handle, but not at the cost of pissing on what unifies us already
(edited to fix weird quote brackets)
...Except this protest pre-dates Trump and is more about our country as a whole than just its president. These protests began as a response to systemic racism and police brutality. To use your Bible metaphor, that'd be like destroying a bible because some of its major values are systemically making your life more difficult or that part of the bible makes you more likely to die at the hands of a public servant. (That's a sloppy analogy, but you get what I'm saying.)

RE: the argument that it's like burning a flag... After Obama's re-election, there were conservative groups that hung the flag upside down. I'd consider that a more disrespectful treatment of the flag. And it's kind of ridiculous that we're playing the national anthem before domestic sporting events anyway. But that part's just my opinion. We don't play the anthem before plays, movies, concerts, mega-church sermons, or other large displays of people doing their job. Why sports? But that's a topic for another day!
Yeah I agree with that as well.. It is by no means a one-sided issue. I think both actions are disrespectful


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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by littlewing67 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:51 pm

Last edited by littlewing67 on Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by heyduchess » Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:55 pm

littlewing67 wrote:
Walliums wrote:Can we do a roll call of things that you don't like that most people do?

I'll start: soda. I hate soda and all carbonated drinks.

And I think soccer is kinda dumb too.
Hold the door for you when you're at that awkward length away and then you feel obligated to do a run-walk so you don't keep them waiting. I'd prefer they didn't hold the door at all.

Also what kind of monster hates soda????
What kind of monster actually enjoys holding the door at an awkward length?

I'll go! I've never had bacon or any red meat in my entire life. And I don't think I ever want to.


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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by littlewing67 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:56 pm

Last edited by littlewing67 on Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by chewinggum » Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:57 pm

Walliums wrote:Can we do a roll call of things that you don't like that most people do?

I'll start: soda. I hate soda and all carbonated drinks.

And I think soccer is kinda dumb too.
We have too much in common at this point <3

Same. I hate carbonated drinks but I will drink champagne (bc, duh). My parents kept soda out of the house so I didn't discover it until around 7th grade so I'm sure that doesn't help haha.

I hate seafood, chocolate-mint anything, and fruity gum lol

I also really really hate audible chewing.

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by Walliums » Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:57 pm

heyduchess wrote:
littlewing67 wrote:
Walliums wrote:Can we do a roll call of things that you don't like that most people do?

I'll start: soda. I hate soda and all carbonated drinks.

And I think soccer is kinda dumb too.
Hold the door for you when you're at that awkward length away and then you feel obligated to do a run-walk so you don't keep them waiting. I'd prefer they didn't hold the door at all.

Also what kind of monster hates soda????
What kind of monster actually enjoys holding the door at an awkward length?

I'll go! I've never had bacon or any red meat in my entire life. And I don't think I ever want to.
Would you ever eat red meat that was grown in a lab?

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by Walliums » Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:59 pm

chewinggum wrote:
Walliums wrote:Can we do a roll call of things that you don't like that most people do?

I'll start: soda. I hate soda and all carbonated drinks.

And I think soccer is kinda dumb too.
We have too much in common at this point <3

Same. I hate carbonated drinks but I will drink champagne (bc, duh). My parents kept soda out of the house so I didn't discover it until around 7th grade so I'm sure that doesn't help haha.

I hate seafood, chocolate-mint anything, and fruity gum lol

I also really really hate audible chewing.
Haha! Twinkies :)

Also THANK YOU for reminding me about champagne, I don't love the bubbles but I will drink it.

I also hate audible chewing (the irony of your username) but even more is audible swallowing. UGH

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by clemsonbill » Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:00 pm

Can we get a poll for what kind of law people are wanting to practice?


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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by OldSpeedoGuy » Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:01 pm

heyduchess wrote:
Rupert Pupkin wrote:

the reason why so many people are upset about the kneeling is not because said people are standing up for their rights and protesting, but because they took it to the extreme and are disrespecting the most simplest aspect of unity that illustrates a countries sovereignty. It can be compared to the burning of the american flag. I think instead of disrespecting the premise of our country as a whole the people should just be protesting trump and what he stands for. Although this is most definitely their intention, i dont think they realize their intended effect is not what is being experienced. It would be like doing something to the bible instead of protesting or denouncing a rogue priest... I really loved seeing the cowboys all kneel BEFORE the national anthem and resume & pay respects to our country. That was cool to see Jerry Jones validate that there are issues we need to unify and handle, but not at the cost of pissing on what unifies us already
(edited to fix weird quote brackets)
...Except this protest pre-dates Trump and is more about our country as a whole than just its president. These protests began as a response to systemic racism and police brutality. To use your Bible metaphor, that'd be like destroying a bible because some of its major values are systemically making your life more difficult or that part of the bible makes you more likely to die at the hands of a public servant. (That's a sloppy analogy, but you get what I'm saying.)

RE: the argument that it's like burning a flag... After Obama's re-election, there were conservative groups that hung the flag upside down. I'd consider that a more disrespectful treatment of the flag. And it's kind of ridiculous that we're playing the national anthem before domestic sporting events anyway. But that part's just my opinion. We don't play the anthem before plays, movies, concerts, mega-church sermons, or other large displays of people doing their job. Why sports? But that's a topic for another day!
The protests began as a response to perceived systemic racism and (systemic) police brutality. Displaying the flag upside down is perhaps hyperbolic, but also a proper way of signaling distress (according to the flag code).

Not only does the protest pre-date Trump, but so does the politicization of sports by a president. I remember when a certain administration sued a team over their name.


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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by littlewing67 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:07 pm

Last edited by littlewing67 on Fri Sep 29, 2017 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by chewinggum » Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:09 pm

OldSpeedoGuy wrote: The protests began as a response to perceived systemic racism and (systemic) police brutality. Displaying the flag upside down is perhaps hyperbolic, but also a proper way of signaling distress (according to the flag code).

Not only does the protest pre-date Trump, but so does the politicization of sports by a president. I remember when a certain administration sued a team over their name.
Bitzer Vatz.

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by heyduchess » Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:10 pm

littlewing67 wrote:
Ohhh I think I saw in the Berkeley thread that you're a vegan!! So am I 8) 8) 8) 8) #staywoke

So how did you become a vegan? Since you've never had red meat, did you just not like it when you were little or your parents introduced you?
YESSS! I became a vegetarian when I was five. My parents are vegetarian. I went vegan (honestly) to lose weight for Burning Man. Then, I learned more about the dairy industry and I just felt generally better without dairy in my life, so it stuck!

Walliums: LOLz. That's some Margaret Atwood Oryx & Crake nonsense. I don't know about that. I'm not a huge fan of the Impossible Burger. I like Beyond Burgers, but the Impossible Burger really freaks me out. There's a point where you can no longer think "This is milk." and instead are like "This is white liquid from inside cow." I think I'm at that point for all meat and dairy, so getting too close to the real deal spooks me a little.

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by Jack_Kelly » Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:11 pm

littlewing67 wrote:
heyduchess wrote:
littlewing67 wrote:
Walliums wrote:Can we do a roll call of things that you don't like that most people do?

I'll start: soda. I hate soda and all carbonated drinks.

And I think soccer is kinda dumb too.
Hold the door for you when you're at that awkward length away and then you feel obligated to do a run-walk so you don't keep them waiting. I'd prefer they didn't hold the door at all.

Also what kind of monster hates soda????
What kind of monster actually enjoys holding the door at an awkward length?

I'll go! I've never had bacon or any red meat in my entire life. And I don't think I ever want to.
Ohhh I think I saw in the Berkeley thread that you're a vegan!! So am I 8) 8) 8) 8) #staywoke

So how did you become a vegan? Since you've never had red meat, did you just not like it when you were little or your parents introduced you?
Shocking number of vegans here. I've also never really had red meat (like a couple times maybe), I was raised pescatarian and became vegetarian at 12, vegan at 20.

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Re: Dive-bombing for Judges, September 2017 Waiter's Thread

Post by GnarMarBinx » Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:12 pm

littlewing67 wrote:
Walliums wrote:Can we do a roll call of things that you don't like that most people do?

I'll start: soda. I hate soda and all carbonated drinks.

And I think soccer is kinda dumb too.
Hold the door for you when you're at that awkward length away and then you feel obligated to do a run-walk so you don't keep them waiting. I'd prefer they didn't hold the door at all.

Also what kind of monster hates soda????
Thought that only happened in Canada.. Oh, the things you learn...

Seriously? What are you waiting for?

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