Phil Brooks wrote:Barack O'Drama wrote:Future Ex-Engineer wrote:just an aside, I think the new title is much more reflective of what OP is looking for than the original, and I hope it garners better/more helpful responses.
also ironic: OP calling people unhelpful/argumentative assholes instead of accepting constructive criticism from zkyggi
Agreed the new title is more fitting. I also hope it helps garner some more helpful responses.
OP, you can't win this one. I get it is frustrating, but just ignore the assholes and hopefully, someone helpful will see it and reply.
TLS has changed a lot over the years. I never understood why you can't just ask a simple question and get an answer.
Why anyone but an AA URM at HYS (or someone with helpful information answering your question) would reply is beyond me. But such is life... and such is TLS.
There are actually some helpful folks in the URM threads you may want to check out.
A lot of helpful advice has been offered in this thread, especially by Skool: someone with an "HYS or bust" mentality who has wanted to go to Harvard Law School since freshman year of undergrad (!) seriously needs to sit down and reflect.
If I started a thread entitled "Wachtell or bust--looking to hear only from people at Wachtell," or "ED or bust--looking to hear only from people who did ED," I would want someone to set me straight.
First, I don't see what helpful advice was offered in this thread aside from the few people who answered the fucking questions I actually asked.
Here was my OP:
"I am an AA URM and looking to network and find mentors of the same background who can help me. Grew up in a not so great neighborhood, went to college and did well. Looking at schools like HYS. High GPA, average softs, and decent work experience.
If you are specifically an AA URM could you please describe or PM me what exactly you did to prep for the LSAT?
What course/books did you use?
How long did you prep?
How many tests did you take?
Final score?
Advice for apps??
Things of that nature.... It isn't that someone who isn't of AA heritage doesn't have helpful info, but I'm looking to connect and talk with others like myself. I grew up in a place where I never really had the chance to talk about things like this with others around me. So I'm looking to utilize this forum to do that.
Thanks in advanced!"
Down thread a bit I also revealed that my reasoning for being HYS or bust was largely due to the fact I am interested in Academia. I'm looking to connect with students of color from HYS. Period. I want to talk to them, ask them questions (LSAT, admissions, BLSA), and get to know them. Maybe have some people to meet up with when I visit H later next year. I made all that pretty clear and was polite about it at first. Instead --aside from the people who did answer what they used to prep and give advice: TAD, OnlyHumean, O’Drama and Andersblooms93, the rest were just useless opinions on what people they think I should be focused on or doing. Or racially charged comments from trolls like Ilovedogsxo, or whatever his name is.
I don't need to sit down a reflect. You don't know how much thought I've put into this or my life experiences thus far. So take your snide remarks and shove them up your ass. I have work experience in the legal field that has lead me to decide I am interested in pursuing legal academia HYS is known for producing most of the jobs in this legal academia. Ergo, I am aiming for those schools. I also have the stats and softs that lead me to believe I should be aiming for those schools regardless. If I get a full ride at any other T14 I might reconsider, who knows. All I know is, for now, I'm interested in talking with AA URM folks who may be able to shed some experience on what I'm curious about.
No one needs to "set me straight" about wanting to connect with people I want to connect with.
"Wachtel or bust" compared to HYS or bust is just a tad bit ridiculous of a comparison. Don't ya think?
First, there's a tangible and logical reason I'm interested in these schools and I would like to connect and talk to some of the AA URMS who attend there. What good is asking a person from Columbia about HLS's BLSA?
Second, I'm not getting what is so egregious about all of this? What the fuck does it matter to you anyway? No one but the people I've mentioned have tried to help, but instead ridiculed me and just spewed out non-sequitur statements/opinions that don't help me in any way.
Good Softs
Would like to speak to some URMS from HYS where I'd like to attend. Interested in things like BLSA, community, admissions, and how they prepped for the LSAT.
Would like to attend because I am interested in legal academia and HYS seems to be the place to go to do that
If this is a problem for anybody, please just don't bother contributing any more to the thread.
Thank you for those I've mentioned that have helped. It is appreciated.