PT 65
LR: -1
LG: -5 (ugh)
LR2: -4
RC: -4
Today, on the other hand, I was ON. Got a great nights sleep plus a catnap and the history exam I just took primed my brain I suppose.
PT 66:
LR1: -1
LR2: -0
LG: -2 (ran out of time and had to guess on last two, missed both)
RC: -1

Goes to show you what proper test conditions can do.
Did 7 preptests so far.
Average: 173.1
Highest: 177
Lowest: 170
Average wrong: -8.8
Accuracy: 91.4%
LR: -1.7 per section (-3.4 total)
LG: -2.4 (Due to time. some of my PTs I missed 4 or 5 bc of this)
RC: -3
Is it hopeless to improve on LG timing before June? Seems like that's the only thing preventing me from consistently cracking 175.