Question for Northern Virginia students and lawyers Forum

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Question for Northern Virginia students and lawyers

Post by PaprikaLeapt » Thu Aug 18, 2016 10:10 pm

1. What have been your experiences with LSAT prep course/tutoring options in the northern Virginia/ Fairfax County area?

2. What company / in person LSAT prep service would you choose in that area if you were forced to choose in person teaching?

3. If you wanted to one day work in the Northern Virginia/DC area, what schools aside from DC law schools would you consider applying to? Would you even consider applying to schools as far from that area as UVA?

I am considering in person class or tutoring options near Mclean, Virginia which is in Fairfax County. The metro now connects to D.C. which is relevant because I heard that Manhattan LSAT prep now is in DC but it is still a bit far.

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