I'm really new to this website but I was hoping that I could find some people to answer my questions/help me with LSAT prep. I'm only a sophomore in college and I'm brand new to the LSAT but I'm on track to graduate early (i.e I hope to take the LSAT/apply to Law School early). BasicaLLY I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS

Is there such thing as preparing for the LSAT too early? If I plan to graduate in the middle of my senior year when should I plan to take the LSAT? What are the best books to help me prepare? How often should I take an official practice test? Where can I find all the available practice tests? Does anyone have experience using a 12-month study schedule/what were your experiences with it/how much studying per week did you do? (I tried to find some answers on the internet but most were inconclusive)
If you can, please help a student out. I'd love to hear what some of you guys have to say.