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Looking for LSAT Prep Advice

Post by theolivejar » Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:05 pm

Hi everyone!

I'm really new to this website but I was hoping that I could find some people to answer my questions/help me with LSAT prep. I'm only a sophomore in college and I'm brand new to the LSAT but I'm on track to graduate early (i.e I hope to take the LSAT/apply to Law School early). BasicaLLY I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS :cry: .

Is there such thing as preparing for the LSAT too early? If I plan to graduate in the middle of my senior year when should I plan to take the LSAT? What are the best books to help me prepare? How often should I take an official practice test? Where can I find all the available practice tests? Does anyone have experience using a 12-month study schedule/what were your experiences with it/how much studying per week did you do? (I tried to find some answers on the internet but most were inconclusive)

If you can, please help a student out. I'd love to hear what some of you guys have to say.



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Re: Looking for LSAT Prep Advice

Post by maybeman » Wed Jun 29, 2016 2:53 pm

I was in your exact spot a few months ago (still a sophomore in UG, but now slightly less clueless). Take a diagnostic ASAP to gauge where you're at. There are tons of advised study materials on this site such as Powerscore and Manhattan, though I can only speak to what I've personally tried. I'm using 7Sage (online detailed prep), which has been phenomenal. I plan to go through the LSAT Trainer by Mike Kim after I finish the 7Sage curriculum (3 months). Also, buy every prep test in existence. I'm using 1-36 to drill and the rest to PT with following my curriculum. I did the "Ultimate" 7Sage plan and would highly recommend it (12 month access and tons of study materials). However, whatever fits your schedule and financial needs is what's best for you. 7Sage also makes you a study plan that structures your studying. I've found this exceedingly helpful. If I were you, I would go to the LSAT forum here and read all the guides by 180'rs to get a better understanding of what doing well on the test takes. Good luck!


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Re: Looking for LSAT Prep Advice

Post by theolivejar » Wed Jun 29, 2016 11:57 pm

Ahh thanks so much for taking the time to type all that helpful information! I honestly really really appreciate it.

Couple follow up questions:

1. Correct me if I'm wrong but what it sounds like is you're going through different programs in order to spread out the available practice material? I thought about this but I figured it would get really expensive buying all of those things (I don't know if this is relevant but I know someone who works for Kaplan and can help me get good deals, if not free LSAT stuff; however i heard Kaplan is kind of poopy in the LSAT department).

2. Is there anyway you could link me to the 180 forums? I tried searching for them but couldn't find anything because I'm a noob >.<

3. Where did you find all the available tests to drill with? or rather, where did you buy them?

4. Would you be willing to share how the programs you're using are helping you improve?

If you don't mind answering all these things, feel free to message me if you don't want to post everything here!

Thanks again!

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Re: Looking for LSAT Prep Advice

Post by maybeman » Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:14 am

1. Not exactly. 7Sage covers everything relevant to the test. I'm using other material to cover any gaps I may be unaware of/give me new strategies that might work better for me. Do. Not. Use. Kaplan. Idk what your goals are, but doing extremely well on this test is so central to getting into a law school that's worth it (not to even mention scholarship money), that being cheap re study materials is the wrong place to save money. 7Sage can be bought for <$400 and the PT's for ~$200. Or buy PSBs or Manhattan books. If you are a motivated, organized person (honestly ask yourself this), then you don't have to take an inanely expensive class. But otherwise, I'd consider it.

2. TLS Forums > LSAT study materials, etc. (3rd one down I think) > one of the top threads that says something like "compiled LSAT guides" or something

3. Amazon

4. Would be pointless until you have started to prep. See #2

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