powerscore full length class books for sale Forum

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powerscore full length class books for sale

Post by lexisennnn » Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:39 am

Hey guys,

I finished the Powerscore full length course in October 2015, and have so.many.books.

I took the class twice so I have a total of like 8 books.

For anyone wondering, the full-length class books have all the same material as the Powerscore Bibles-- plus more material. They're just more deconstructed and go more in depth, so they're longer.

Anyways, there are 2 books full of real tests plus 6 of LR, LG, RC and everything else.

I'm gonna sell all of them as a bundle (or however much you want) for around $75 bucks total if anyone is interested. PM me.

EDIT: I also was gonna include in the bundle a Princeton Review book and LSAT For Dummies (ugh I know) books because those have little to no writing in them and are unused.

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