pretzeltime wrote:R. Jeeves wrote:pretzeltime wrote:R. Jeeves wrote:Dcc617 wrote:proteinshake wrote:you guys should collectively complain to LSAC. trying finding others through TLS, Reddit, etc.
But only if you think it really screwed you. An investigation will hold up scores being released and if something is founded then you either get a free retake (without learning your score) or else you just suck it up and take the score you got today.
this sucks dick.
it sucks major dick. also, glad that the universe brought us together Jeevesy so I could confirm this madness the second I got home.......... ugh
yeah thank fuck youre here.
how do you think you did on the test though?
my main dilemma is that there was a shit easy LG and the parts of the test that i didnt rush on due to our shitbrain proctor's timing I actually felt pretty good about. I cant really say if ill actually do better on a properly timed retake.
Okay, so minus the timing problem this would have been a VERY easy test for me.
LG first - super easy, I was actually minorly trippin' because I thought it had to be experimental because it was so easy. This section was, I'm pretty sure, cut short by 1 minute or so because all of the dickwads in our room had to pee and the proctor was just like "aight put your pencils down". That would've maaaybe been an excusable mistake and I can't say for sure how early it was ended. I was only mildly uncertain on 1 question, a rule substitution one, which I was deciding between when time was called. I think I went -0 to -2 in this section.
LR second - I was in a chill dream world after great LG and this went really well. I can never exactly predict my LR but I would say -0 to -3
RC experimental 3rd - my hunger kicked in and I took like TWELVE MINUTES on the African weaving shit and then he said 5 minutes left (of course there were actually 7) for the last passage on chem/physics and I basically had a panic blackout and couldn't even finish. PRAISE THE LORD THIS WAS EXPERIMENTAL
RC again - a lot easier, first 3 passages were good, last passage (don't even remember what it was) was slightly harder and, you know, I LOST THE LAST 2 MINUTES so although I bubbled all the answers for the section I could've used more time to make it better. unclear about this but I would say -2 to -4. Oh and I'm minorly tweaking about timing the whole section but I figured surely the proctor would not fuck it up this time. But the general panic did not help.
LR last - at this point I think I am fucking insane because no one else seems to have a problem with the timing but luckily with LR timing is *less* of an issue. Didn't seem too bad. Could have used the whole fucking 35 minutes to check some things, but, this was also probably a -0 to -3 section.
SOOO I agree. Basically this was an easy test with a shitty proctor situation. The timing directly and indirectly affected me. But I would not cancel this or jeopardize it, like you, because I do not know if the next test would go this well
Basically shout out to LG being completely manageable and my nightmare RC being expermintal
otherwise I would be FUCKED.ORG