I just took several LSAT tests, and I watched some instructive videos from YouTube and 7Sage.
I scored around 155 to 160 in those tests. Everytime, I got like -9 in each LR section (-18 in total), -10 in RC, and -1 or all correct in LG. And my speed in doing RC and LR is really slow since I am not native English speaker, which nearly take me extra 5-7 minutes to finish a 35-minute section.
I am not really hurrying to take the LSAT test, but I still have no idea on how to improve my skill on LR and RC in the long term, like in 4-6 months. I plan to take the September test this year or January test next year.
With the diagnostic like mine, is there hope to score a 170 or above, or how could I improve my reading speed?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.