My LSAT Story Forum

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My LSAT Story

Post by tutoringwithmatt » Tue May 17, 2016 2:50 pm

I graduated from college in 2008 with a degree in mathematics with an emphasis in education. As everyone knows, this was a great time to graduate. There were empty desks in businesses all over the country ready to be filled by ambitious young college graduates. In fact, there were even entire buildings that were empty. The only problem was that businesses (or, rather, the businesses that were left) weren’t looking to fill those desks at the time.

So I did what every good Millennial did: I decided to stick it out for two years and get a graduate degree. Mine was a masters in public policy. But 2010 wasn’t looking much better than 2008, so it was time for law school.

The first time I took the LSAT it was on a whim. I went in completely cold and blind. I couldn’t have told you what Logic Game was to save my life. I think I maybe read the Wikipedia article on the LSAT the night before. In hindsight, I don’t know how I didn’t conclude that this was a bad idea based on the Wikipedia article. Needless to say, I got a very mediocre score.

Once I started doing my research on law school, I got my heart set on a particular T14 school. Of course, this meant I’d have to retake the LSAT. So I started self studying with a passion only possible from a Millennial with two degrees during the greatest financial catastrophe since the Hoover administration.

With my background in mathematics, improvement started to come quickly and I ended up scoring in the 99.7th percentile. I got into that T14 school I had my heart set on. Now I’m a lawyer. I loved law school, but it turns out I don’t want to be a lawyer (another side effect of getting lots of degrees uncritically since there were no jobs).

Way back when I was getting my undergraduate degree, I started tutoring in math. I paid my way through college and grad school by doing a lot of tutoring. I’ve been tutoring for over a decade now and I’ve gotten very good at clearly communicating and teaching technical material. And I love it! I'm kind of a nerd like that. I love Logic Games and I love teaching others how to do Logic Games!

So now I’m doing LSAT tutoring. If you’d like to chat or if I can be of any assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d love to chat! And please feel free to share my contact information with anyone else who may need some help. You can reach me at

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