Mostly, I find that I never have enough room at the bottom of the page to do a lot of diagrams, that I lose track of which diagrams are paired together as alternate possibilities, etc. I understand it works for some people, but drawing out so much just stresses me out. I also find that drawing so much takes my mind off the game. Like, I'll draw two nice pretty diagrams mapping alternate possibilities, but then I'll forget what the rules actually say. I'm better at grasping the rules as words rather than as pictures, I think.TheMikey wrote:Don't think of it like that, keep sharing your progress no matter what, it's motivation!somewhatferal wrote:I wish I could be more help. I don't think my preparation is replicable. I'm older, and I have essentially been doing tasks similar to the LR and RC sections as a job for the past six years. I wasn't very good at the LG section when I first started, but just becoming familiar with types of games has helped me out a lot. I don't recommend PowerScore or 7Sage's methods because I think they waste too much time (I have seen some 7Sage videos where he draws four different diagrams to figure out all of the possibilities. I think this wastes way too much time!)
Sorry, I know this is a "study group" thread. I shouldn't just post my results if I don't have anything helpful to say.
Also out of curiosity, why do you say that diagramming multiple possibilities is a waste of time? Do you usually just let the questions guide your diagramming?
To answer your second question, yeah I often draw small diagrams next to individual questions.