What to do for the last week and a half Forum

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Posts: 73
Joined: Thu Sep 24, 2015 2:33 pm

What to do for the last week and a half

Post by footballlax55 » Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:12 pm

Hey guys, just wondering if anyone can offer me advice or what I should do to maximize my score on Oct 3.

I have 5 more PTs to take and was going to do them friday, sunday, mon, tues, wed, and then on thursday and friday just take it easy and do a section each day.

By Saturday I'll have taken 35 different tests and really drilled 10 of them like 3x each. I've only taken like 5 tests in close to perfect conditions (timed, proper break length, and analog watch) and then 20 in 1-3 timed sections at a time or with an extra minute or two for some of the sections.

I think I'm still making improvements in my scores and after each test when I go back through questions I got wrong or spent a while on I'm frequently thinking well crap, how did I not see that at the time?

Is there anything y'all know I could do in the next week and a half to help make it so that I have less of these hiccups?

I feel like if I had maybe 15 more tests to take and 5 more weeks instead of a week and a half I would be fine. I think I'd raise my score a bit and then it would plateau and the only questions I'd be getting wrong are a couple really hard ones and then maybe one or two stupid mistakes.

On the past 3 PTs I got 170, 167, 168, 168, 173,170(pretty distracted the last one).

Right now it just seems like if I get lucky on test day I can get 173+, but if I get unlucky I might get a 165 or something.

Is there something that will improve my consistency?

Thanks a bunch!


Posts: 73
Joined: Thu Sep 24, 2015 2:33 pm

Re: What to do for the last week and a half

Post by footballlax55 » Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:39 pm

I got a 174 2 days ago. but then a 167 this morning.

I'm chalking some of the lowish score up to it being the first day I'm adjusting my sleep schedule (I got up at 8 and took at 9, instead of waking up at 11/12/1 and taking in the afternoon).

Also a correction, my past 8 scores, including these last 2, are 167,168,168, 173, 170, 167, 174, 167.

Anyone know how I can improve my consistency so I can get that 173/174 instead of a 167 or 170?
I always look back and see that about 1/3 of my wrong questions I misread something or made a stupid mistake, then 1/3 were just kinda tough and upon further consideration I see what I did wrong and think that if I had had more time to reread it and really look it over I'd get those right. And then the remaining 1/3 are just real difficult.

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